Black Friday

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Black Friday

Black Friday, Sept. 24, 1869, in U.S. history, day of financial panic. In 1869 a small group of American financial speculators, including Jay Gould and James Fisk, sought the support of federal officials of the Grant administration in a drive to corner the gold market. The attempt failed when government gold was released for sale. The drive culminated on a Friday, when thousands were ruined—the day is popularly called Black Friday. There was great indignation against the perpetrators. Several other days of financial panic have also been occasionally referred to as Black Friday.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Black Friday


(Apr. 15, 1921), in Great Britain, the day that opportunist leaders of the “triple alliance” of miners, railway-men, and transport workers thwarted a sympathy strike planned by railwaymen and transport workers in support of miners locked out by the coal industry. A few hours before the strike was to take place, the union leaders canceled it against the wishes of the rank and file. Forced to strike alone, the miners were defeated. After Black Friday the bourgeoisie launched a broad frontal attack on the working people and nullified many of the victories that had been won during the upsurge in the class struggle between 1918 and 1921.


Gurovich, P. V. Pod”em rabochego dvizheniia v Anglii v 1918–1921 gg. Moscow, 1956.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Black Friday

Black Friday usually refers either to the infamous Wall Street Panic of September 24, 1869, when Jay Gould and James Fisk tried to "corner" the gold market, or to September 19, 1873, when stock failures caused the Panic of 1873. In England, it is often used by workers to describe May 12, 1926, the day on which the General Strike was ended. It is occasionally used to refer to Good Friday.
Shoppers and retailers in the United States sometimes refer to the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday because it marks the beginning of the Christmas commercial season and is traditionally a frenetic day of shopping.
DictDays-1988, p. 12
Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary, Fourth Edition. © 2010 by Omnigraphics, Inc.

Black Friday

day of financial panic (1869). [Am. Hist.: RHDC]

Black Friday

(September 24, 1869) gold speculation led to financial panic. [Am. Hist.: Van Doren, 259]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
For property managers, Black Friday is only the beginning.
"Since 2013, when Black Friday became established as a key trading day, Wales's footfall has decreased in every year bar one and the only increase in 2017 was just up 0.9%.
Steven Madeley, general manager for St David's Cardiff, has said: "What was once an American trend, Black Friday soon became extremely popular in the UK.
Make-up store MAC is also taking part in this Black Friday, with three new limitededition gift sets being released while the beauty giant is also releasing a new mini Fix+gift set.
The council recommended there is no harm to offer sales and providing commodities to consumers on cheaper prices on Friday but to call it Black Friday is equal to disrespecting Friday, which is not only a blessed day but also a specified day for Muslims.
The post Black Friday gathers pace in Cyprus appeared first on Cyprus Mail .
Historically speaking the term Black Friday was derived from the old accounting practices where the transactions in loss were written with red ink while the profit transactions were mentioned in black ink.
Boots' Black Friday sales will be taking place both in stores and online on November 23, but customers will still be able to get some great deals beyond Black Friday.
markets between Thanksgiving evening and Black Friday, Walmart, Nike and Best Buy were the biggest winners in terms of traffic on Black Friday.
The last few years have seen a massive hype around Black Friday in Pakistan.