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, in ancient Rome
Brutus (bro͞oˈtəs), in ancient Rome, a surname of the Junian gens. Lucius Junius Brutus, fl. 510 B.C., was the founder of the Roman republic. He feigned idiocy to escape death at the hands of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (see under Tarquin). Roman historians tell how he led the Romans in expelling the Tarquins after the rape of Lucrece, how he became one of the first praetors (there were no consuls), and how he executed his sons for plotting a Tarquinian restoration. Decimus Junius Brutus Gallaecus, fl. 138 B.C., consul, consolidated the province of Farther Spain and stopped the encroaching Lusitanian tribespeople. Marcus Junius Brutus, d. c.77 B.C., was a partisan of Lepidus (d. 77 B.C.) in the struggle with Catulus (d. 60 B.C.); Pompey had him murdered. His wife Servilia was the half-sister of Cato the Younger. Their son was Marcus Junius Brutus, 85? B.C.–42 B.C. He and Caius Cassius Longinus (see under Cassius) were the principal assassins of Julius Caesar. He had sided with Pompey, but after the battle of Pharsalus, Caesar pardoned him, made him governor of Cisalpine Gaul (46 B.C.), and, in 44 B.C., urban praetor. Nevertheless, he joined Cassius in the plot against Caesar. After the murder of Caesar, Brutus went east and, in the republican cause, joined Cassius and held Macedonia with him. Late in 42 B.C., Octavian (later Augustus) and Antony arrived, and a battle was fought at Philippi. When it went against the republicans, Brutus committed suicide. Brutus' wife Portia was the daughter of Cato the Younger. Brutus had a contemporary reputation as a Stoic philosopher, and his admirers have regarded him as a second Cato, driven reluctantly to commit murder in order to save the republic. His detractors, on the other hand, have considered his friendship with the self-seeking Cassius as indicative of his true character. A lesser member of the conspiracy was Decimus Junius Brutus, d. 43 B.C., a partisan of Caesar against Pompey and a favorite of the dictator. Caesar gave him command in Gaul and appointed him to be his heir in case of Octavian's death. After Caesar's death, Brutus refused to surrender Cisalpine Gaul. In 43 B.C., Antony, to whom the senate had assigned the province, besieged Brutus at Mutina (modern Modena). He tried to escape and was killed.


, legendary founder of the British race
Brutus, legendary founder of the British race: see Brut.
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conspirator and assassin of Julius Caesar. [Br. Lit.: Julius Caesar]


plotted against Caesar with Cassius and Casca. [Br. Lit.: Julius Caesar]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Lucius Junius . late 6th century bc, Roman statesman who ousted the tyrant Tarquin (509) and helped found the Roman republic
2. Marcus Junius ?85--42 bc, Roman statesman who, with Cassius, led the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar (44): committed suicide after being defeated by Antony and Octavian (Augustus) at Philippi (42)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Consumers should destroy all recalled pig ears from Brutus & Barnaby.
"Caesar could not comprehend how his friend and protege, Brutus, would be among the assassins.
Ironically, though Brutus makes a lot of sense, he ultimately fails.
Brutus radios his "low-paid drug mule" Carlito, to prepare the yacht, but he inadvertently tops up with gallons of hi-octane Old Spice aftershave instead of gasoline...
As if to address this moral ambiguity embedded in Brutus's statement, Cassius in his response takes up the same diction, but scripts "honor" from a mere "name" into a preexisting "thing":
"He will be so, so missed and has left a Brutus shaped hole in all our hearts.
After the deed is done, Brutus strangely attempts to render Caesar's death a pious act, even as he is drenched in blood.
Central to Shakespeare's play is 3.2, the so-called Forum scene, in which, after the murder of Caesar by the conspirators headed by Brutus and Cassius, Brutus himself feels the need to render "public reasons" for Caesar's assassination.
Cassius tells Brutus: "You shouldn't go through with your
The sheen is near Shell's Glider Field, a group of four subsea wells whose production flows through a subsea manifold to the Brutus platform, which sits in water with a depth of 2,900 feet (884 m).