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Cassius (kăshˈəs), ancient Roman family. There were a number of well-known members. Spurius Cassius Viscellinus, d. c.485 B.C., seems to have been consul several times. In 493 B.C. he negotiated a treaty establishing equal military assistance between Rome and the Latin cities. In 486 he proposed that land be distributed equally among the Roman and the Latin poor (see agrarian laws). It is said that the patricians, outraged at the suggestion, accused Cassius of royal aspirations and had him executed. A descendant, Quintus Cassius Longinus, d. 45 B.C., won a reputation for greed and corruption when he was a quaestor in Spain (54 B.C.). He and Antony, as tribunes in 49 B.C., vetoed the attempts of the senate to deprive Julius Caesar of his army. When the senate overrode the tribunes on Jan. 7, 49 B.C., Cassius and Antony fled to Caesar, who crossed the Rubicon and began the civil war. After Caesar's triumph, Cassius was given (47 B.C.) a post in Farther Spain. There was a rebellion against him, and Caesar had to come from Italy to put it down. Cassius died in a shipwreck. Best known of all was Caius Cassius Longinus, d. 42 B.C., leader in the successful conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar. He fought as a quaestor under Marcus Licinius Crassus (see under Crassus, family) at Carrhae in 53 B.C. and saved what was left of the army after the battle. He supported Pompey against Caesar but was pardoned after the battle of Pharsalus. He was made (44 B.C.) peregrine praetor and Caesar promised to make him governor of Syria. Before the promise could be fulfilled, Cassius had become ringleader in the plot to kill Caesar. The plot involved more than 60 men (including Marcus Junius Brutus, Publius Servilius Casca, and Lucius Tillius Cimber) and was successfully accomplished in the senate on the Ides of March in 44 B.C. When the people were aroused by Antony against the conspirators, Cassius went to Syria. He managed to capture Dolabella at Laodicea and coordinated his own movements with those of Brutus. Antony and Octavian (later Augustus) met them in battle at Philippi. In the first engagement Cassius, thinking the battle lost, committed suicide. Another of the conspirators was Caius Cassius Parmensis, d. 30 B.C. He fought at Philippi and later with Sextus Pompeius. He later sided with Antony in the naval battle off Actium and was killed by order of Octavian.
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intriguer and accomplice in plot against Caesar. [Br. Lit.: Julius Caesar]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
GULP: Cassius and Liz and, left, lolly stick Picture: ROLAND LEON
Zdar -- whose real name was Cerboneschi -- was due to play at the Olympia concert hall in Paris on Friday to coincide with the release of the new Cassius album, "Dreems".
The news of Zdar's death came just one day before the release of his latest album, 'DREEMS', as part of French dance music duo Cassius.
Cassius Clay and Henry Cooper battle it out at Wembley Stadium
One message to Cassius - who plays for Crewe Alexandra Academy - makes a racial slur alongside three laughing-crying Emojis.
One message to Cassius, who plays for Crewe Alexandra Academy, makes a racial slur alongside three laughing-crying emojis.
'These very names, whether by mere coincidence or reality are the same names we found in the official records of the Registrar-General Department as Directors and Shareholders of Cassius Mining Limited'.
Classicists analyze the first 21 books of the 80-book history of Rome that Cassius Dio wrote perhaps beginning in the 190s or 200s CE.
Piper visits Cassius in the prison hospital Meanwhile, in jail, Piper visits Cassius and makes it clear he is no longer a part of her life, but later worries that she may be pregnant.