

conspires against Cardinal Richelieu. [Fr. Lit.: Cinq-Mars]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
not the first prince of the blood, not the king's uncle, but the base conspirator, the soul of every cabal, who pretends to lead the brave people who are weak enough to believe in the honor of a prince of the blood -- not the prince nearest to the throne, not the king's uncle, I repeat, but the murderer of Chalais, of Montmorency and of Cinq-Mars, who is playing now the same game he played long ago and who thinks that he will win the game because he has a new adversary -- instead of a man who threatened, a man who smiles.
Partnered with Mathilde Cinq-Mars' ethereal illustrations, rendered in acrylic, pencil, watercolour and Photoshop, Mr.
Evan Cinq-Mars, from Center for Civilians in Conflict, described ICAN's accomplishments as a "testament to the power of civil society"
Such a claim had been made about 30 years ago by Jacques Cinq-Mars, an archeologist, who excavated the Bluefish Caves on the banks of the Bluefish River in Canada's Yukon province, near the border with Alaska.
It is no easy task to live up to the appellation "the Hercule Poirot of Canada," but that is exactly what retired Montreal cop Emile Cinq-Mars must do in John Farrow's brilliant detective series.
Suzanne Cinq-Mars, the company director of corporate sales, said, 'Private Access bridges the rate gap in corporate travel by offering smaller organisations a program that meets their budget-conscious travel needs.
In addition, Carlo Baldan, Robert Thompkins and Bob Cinq-Mars were given new posts in Walgreens merchandising department.
Bob Cinq-Mars will replace Robert Thompkins as divisional merchandise manager for a portion of O-T-Cs, including pain/ sleep, incontinence, adult nutrition and smoking cessation.
Regrettably, what is ignored is that the Blue-fish caves in the northern Yukon have evidence of mammoth bone technology at 23500 radiocarbon years BP (Cinq-Mars and Morlan, 1999; pers.
In situations where women or homosexual men were in positions of real power, men could sometimes cash in on their beauty: examples being Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, who touched the heart-strings of his ageing queen, Elizabeth I; George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, who touched those of his king, James I (while also leading a riotously heterosexual life); the Marquis de Cinq-Mars, protege of Richelieu, who deliberately pushed him towards the bed of Louis XIII, and who was madly loved by the most beautiful courtesan of the age, Marion de Lorne, and dozens of other women; John Churchill, who got started on the military career which led to his becoming Duke of Marlborough thanks to a subsidy from the Duchess of Cleveland who was besotted with his beauty.
While Kozena has called the aria from Cleopatre her "favorite piece" on the disc, my vote is for the hypnotic aria, "Nuit resplendissante," from Cinq-Mars.