Big Brother

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Big Brother

The totalitarian state in George Orwell's novel "1984." Written in 1949, the book offers a view of life 35 years into the future where the fictional English Socialist Party (referred to as Ingsoc) rules Oceania. Ever since, Big Brother has the connotation of a government that rules its citizens with an iron fist.

Considering the huge advancements in surveillance technology since the book was written, Big Brother is becoming more fact than fiction throughout the world. See Big Mother.
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The following article is from Conspiracies and Secret Societies. It is a summary of a conspiracy theory, not a statement of fact.
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In a 1956 film adaptation of George Orwell’s novel, Edmond O’Brien played the part of Winston Smith, who tries to outsmart the oppression of Big Brother.

Big Brother

Conspiracy theorists say that the warning is no longer a literary allusion—Big Brother really is watching us.

The classic 1984 describes a gloomy scenario wherein a totalitarian government called “the Party” has complete control over its people at all times. Many refer to this novel as being a nearly perfect prophetic vision by the author, George Orwell, of a very bleak and dismal future, one that seems to be unfolding before our very eyes now in the twenty-first century.

Today we have the technology to dominate and track all citizens with brainwashing techniques, media (including television, movies, and computerlike devices that issue forth propaganda), tracking and spy systems that follow our every move, with the ability even to see and hear through walls. Yet in 1949 when Orwell wrote about these things, most were not yet in existence.

“Big Brother,” the supreme leader of the Party in Orwell’s novel, has come to be synonymous with a dictatorial society in which corporations and government take away our freedom, privacy, and ability to think for ourselves, ruling over us with total power and control. In the novel the Party’s slogan, “Big Brother Is Watching You,” is continually broadcast in and through all media. There is no place to hide as banners, posters, movie and TV screens, computers, stamps, coins, even thought transfer, all transmit the declaration of complete domination by Big Brother. By extension, Big Brother and “Big Brother Is Watching You” remain commonplaces in referring to any and all of the conspiracies involved in bringing about a One World Government.

Conspiracies and Secret Societies, Second Edition © 2013 Visible Ink Press®. All rights reserved.

Big Brother

all-seeing leader watches every move. [Br. Lit.: 1984]

Big Brother

omnipresent leader of a totalitarian nightmare world. [Br. Lit.: 1984]
See: Tyranny
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
He was 'gutted' when the show was axed last year and voiced his opinion in a recent interview, saying: "I'm adamant 'Big Brother' will return, when and where I don't know but I won't rest until it does.
The winner of "Celebrity Big Brother" will reportedly receive $500,000 in the end.
Speaking on the return of Big Brother Naija, the Chief Executive Officer of MultiChoice Nigeria, Mr John Ugbe said, 'This fourth season promises to be even bigger than previous editions and underscores MultiChoice's position as the biggest investor and driver of entertainment content on the continent.'
"Big Brother" is the first film made by Yen's personal production company, Bullet Film Productions Ltd.
Big Brother made it possible for the former housemates to be together once again because he supports their individual projects even if they are no longer in the PBB house.
Pittsburgh, PA, December 24, 2017 --( Levin Furniture is proud to announce a very special year end donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh.
Friday night's live eviction episode saw married couple Imran and Sukhvinder Javeed leave the Big Brother house together.
"Big Brother does not tolerate offensive language capable of causing widespread offence.
Egypt's Big Brother syndrome is the current expression of an outdated nation.