conspiracy theory

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Related to Conspiracy theorists: illuminati, Alex Jones

conspiracy theory

an element within a belief system in which social consequences, identified as harmful or unwanted, are seen as arising from the activities of groups believed able to influence the operation of power, economic decision-making, etc., in surreptitious ways. Members of successful religious or ethnic minority groups, political extremists, freemasons, etc., may be identified in such theories, e.g. the ‘witch hunt’ of members of the Communist Party (and alleged fellow travellers) carried out by Joseph McCarthy in the United States in the early 1950s, or the so-called ‘Doctors’ Plot’ in the USSR prior to Stalin's death in 1953, in which Jewish doctors were accused of plotting to poison Stalin. Whether or not there are elements of truth in the claims made in such conspiracy theories, it is the exaggerated nature of the claims, and the often slender evidence advanced, that leads conspiracy theories to be regarded as a phenomenon requiring explanation rather than being seen as ‘true’ theories. Thus, they might be explained as arising from the believers’ powerlessness and structurally precarious situation, and the need for the believers themselves to find a reason’ for this and some hope of resolution.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
References in periodicals archive ?
The effort is being coordinated by American Brian Richards who lives in Riverside, California, and who is believed to be an alien conspiracy theorist.
The conspiracy theorist said: "The objects seem to be very reflective but have dark black areas that have a lot of right angles and appear to be structures.
And we must never allow the conspiracy theorists to trample on their legacy.
These are similar claims that have been pushed by conspiracy theorists and personalities like Jones.
"Hitler's Death: The Case Against Conspiracy" is the first serious attempt by an academic to return to the evidence of Hitler's suicide in order to scrutinize the most recent arguments of conspiracy theorists using scientific methods.
Earlier this year, Apple removed podcasts produced by far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Infowars from iTunes and Apple's Podcast app.
President Trump has given a ringing endorsement to Alex Jones, the country's most influential and extreme conspiracy theorist. "Your reputation is amazing," Trump said in a 2015 interview with Jones.
Life in the novel is mediated and interpreted through electronic devices--from televised commemoration of the sixteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, to Cal's skyping with his daughter, to anonymous, threatening emails, to a disembodied conspiracy theorist's voice that seems omnipresent on the radio.
The conspiracy theorists may not be happy, but then they never are.
The footprints Buzz Aldrin left in lunar soil are still around -- and so are the throngs of conspiracy theorists who claim the entire landing was faked.
NOWHERE in the world are there more conspiracy theorists than in America - and not only does the United States boast the most, it also has the weirdest.
Having conspiracy theorists claim that Friday's events in Paris were a hoax was about as inevitable as the attacks themselves.