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The assassin's accomplice; Mary Surratt and the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln. (reprint, 2008).


The assassin's accomplice; Mary Surratt and the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln. (reprint, 2008)

Larson, Kate Clifford.

Basic Books


263 pages




This reprint of a study of Mary Surratt, the 44-year-old widow who ran the boarding house where conspirators gathered to plan President Lincoln's assassination, coincides with the April 2011 release of a new film on the same topic, The Conspirator, directed by Robert Redford. Author Larson (history, Simmons College) reveals that Surratt was far more involved in the plot than most historians have assumed. She examines Surratt's motives, drawing on primary sources such as interviews, confessions, and court testimony, and discusses the public outcry and Southern backlash after she was the first woman ever to be executed by the federal government. B&w historical photos and maps are included. This edition's preface briefly discusses historical issues that emerged during the making of the film The Conspirator.

([c]2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)

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Publication:Reference & Research Book News
Article Type:Brief article
Date:Jun 1, 2011
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