Doctors' Plot

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Doctors’ Plot

physicians falsely tried for trying to poison Stalin. [Jew. Hist.: Wigoder, 160]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The same network of land grabbers, which is involved in the encroachment of the Ladies Club land, has allegedly occupied the doctors' plot, where a petrol pump is being set up.
The so-called 'Doctors' plot', where Stalin ordered the arrest and torture of Jewish doctors on false charges of conspiracy to kill high-ranking Soviet officials, was planned as cover for the mass deportation of Jews to Siberia.
Khlevniuk arrives at a similarly nuanced position in regard to the culmination of the USSR's postwar anti-Semitic campaigns (the anti-Cosmopolitan Affair, the Doctors' Plot, etc.).
By the 20th century, this nexus of religious-economic-political interests became twisted into the Nazi ideology against Bolshevism; and though much less visible than The Protocols of the Elders of Z.ion in the postwar Soviet Union, the blood libel clearly resonated throughout Stalin's infamous Doctors' Plot of 1953, in which Jewish doctors were accused of poisoning Kremlin leaders.
As one of 20 Bahraini doctors and nurses given up to 15 years in prison, Dr Roula al-Saffar recalls with outrage the tortures inflicted as police tried to force her and other medical specialists to confess to "a doctors' plot" to overthrow the Bahraini government.
A strong point of the book is Laqueur's identifying common threads linking various manifestations of antisemitism, e.g., similarities among medieval accusations of well-poisoning during the Black Death in Europe, the doctors' plot in the USSR near the end of Stalin's reign, and Muslim fundamentalist propaganda accusing the Jews of spreading AIDS.
It was in good form again yesterday amid the reports of what looked like a doctors' plot.
Naumov's Stalin's Last Crime: The Doctors' Plot ([pounds sterling]8.99).
The authors present Stalin's Doctors' Plot as something that would have been the Soviet version of the Nazis' Final Solution, but are unable to produce convincing arguments or new documentation to support this view.
STALIN'S last murderous purge in the Soviet Union was the Doctors' Plot,mercifully ended by the tyrant's sudden death in 1953.
Sinyavsky's novel Sud idyot (1959; The Trial Begins) deals with the Doctors' Plot of 1953, during which nine Soviet doctors were unjustly accused of treason.
Stalin crowned his career as he had begun it, by declaring the Doctors' Plot and merging it with a good old-fashioned anti-Jewish pogrom.