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political intrigue leading to resignation of Pres. Nixon. [Am. Hist.: EB, X: 568–569]


scandals involving Nixon’s administration (1972). [Am. Hist.: Kane, 460–462]
See: Scandal
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Do you think history will remember Nixon for his achievements (such as improving relations with China) as well as the Watergate scandal?
Erupting when second-wave feminism was still the stuff of bra-burning jokes, Watergate, like American politics in general, was--or seemed to be at the time--an almost exclusively masculine affair.
But Mellinger had caught the Watergate bug and had started developing an assortment of revisionist theories about various aspects of the multilayered scandal.
The following morning, we were booked in for a surfing lesson at the Xtreme Academy, part of the Watergate complex.
SNPMP Angus MacNeil - whose complaint to police kicked off the probe - said it was Blair's Watergate. He said: "Sometimes in politics it is not the actual deed that gets you but the cover-up.
Ford's approval rating plunged 20 points a month after he took office, when the new president granted Nixon a "full, free and absolute pardon for all offenses" committed in the course of the Watergate burglary and cover-up.
Dean: I knew it would make a certain sensation, my first return since the Watergate hearings.
Early on, Woodward, played by Robert Redford, walks into a courtroom for the arraignment of the five men accused of burglarizing the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in D.C.'s Watergate office complex and sits behind a mysterious well-dressed lawyer.
FORMER top FBI official Mark Felt was branded an American hero by his family after revealing that he was Deep Throat who helped bring down President Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal.
Watergate: The Presidential Scandal that Shook America.
Ziegler was press secretary to President Richard Nixon during the turbulent period of 1969 to 1974, which included the Watergate scandal.