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One for All art

One for All mode

One for All is a limited time game mode in League of Legends. Players battle in a 5v5 match on Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift, similar to Red Nexus icon Classic mode, with the only difference being that all champions on each team are the same. The mode was first made available from 2 November 2013 to 2 December 2013. It is occasionally relaunched to align with April Fools' Day.

One for All games could also be created and played as a Custom Game at one point with the map choice not being limited to Summoner's Rift; all other maps could be chosen.


One for all mode (picture)

One for All (illustration)

The drafting type for selecting champions in One for All is called "Vote Pick", which follows most rules from Draft pick, but the final lock-in of champions is percentage-weighted by using a voting system within the team:

  • At the beginning, each player can ban a champion, for up to 10 banned champions. Each player will then vote for a champion for the whole team to play. Players may pick any champion in their team's pool of champions (owned and free). If all players on a team or the strict majority (4 votes), pick the same champion, then that champion is played by all players on that team. In the case that no champion won a clear majority, a random champion from the pool of votes will be assigned to players.

2020 version[]

Starting from the 2020 version, the majority pick (3 votes) no longer automatically wins the vote, allowing for players who are against the odds to have a fighting chance. Also, 4 votes now automatically win the vote.


Karthus Karthus and Teemo Teemo were disabled in this mode in the past, and were accidentally enabled in 2015. They could only be played in custom matches.

In the V8.15 iteration, One for All was around 12.5% of hours around its end.[1]

Champion Mechanics[]

Due to the nature of teams in One for All, some champions and their abilities work differently in the mode.

The following champions apply debuffs to enemies that interact with their abilities in some fashion. If using the same champion, other players can gain these bonus effects even if they did not originally apply the debuff.

The following champions apply marks to enemies. If using the same champion, these marks can be triggered by other players.

The following champions create objects on the field. If using the same champion, these can be interacted with by other players.

Mode-Specific Changes[]

This table extracts the data from Module:ChampionData/data and Template:map_changes/data/ofa.

ChampionDamage dealtDamage receivedOther effects
Akali Akali+5%-3%
Alistar Alistar+5%-3%
Amumu Amumu+5%
Aphelios Aphelios+8%

Weapons of the Faithful Weapons of the Faithful

  • Binding Eclipse expunges all enemies affected by Gravitum from any Aphelios.
Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol+2%-8%
  • Ability haste reduced by 20.
Azir Azir+8%-10%
  • Movement speed increased by 5%.
Bard Bard+15%-15%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Blitzcrank Blitzcrank+6%-3%
Brand Brand+3%
Braum Braum+10%-10%
Cho'Gath Cho'Gath-2%+5%
Darius Darius-10%+5%
Diana Diana-5%
Dr Dr. Mundo-5%+5%
  • Healing done reduced by 10%.
Draven Draven-5%

Spinning Axe Spinning Axe

  • Axes can be picked up (stolen) by allied Dravens. This event also prompts one of a few unique voice lines. The same can be done in blind pick in games where there are two Dravens.
Ekko Ekko-5%

Parallel Convergence Parallel Convergence

  • Parallel Convergence will interact with all allied Ekkos.
Elise Elise+5%-8%
Evelynn Evelynn+7%-7%
Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks+5%-7%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.

Terrify Terrify

  • The fear-immunity is shared across all Fiddlesticks.
Fiora Fiora

Grand Challenge Grand Challenge

  • Attempting to cast Grand Challenge on a target that is already affected by it will inform the player that it "Cannot be stacked" once Fiora is in cast range.
Gangplank Gangplank+5%-10%
Garen Garen-5%
Graves Graves-2%+5%
Heimerdinger Heimerdinger-3%
Illaoi Illaoi-8%+5%
Irelia Irelia-3%
Ivern Ivern+10%-7%
  • Shielding done increased by 20%.
Janna Janna+3%
Jarvan IV Jarvan IV-5%
Jax Jax-5%+5%
Kai'Sa Kai'Sa+3%
Katarina Katarina-5%
Kayle Kayle-5%+5%
Kennen Kennen-2%+2%
Kindred Kindred-5%
Kog'Maw Kog'Maw-3%+3%
LeBlanc LeBlanc-5%
Lee Sin Lee Sin-5%
Lillia Lillia-2%
Malphite Malphite-5%

Ground Slam Ground Slam

  • The Cripple icon cripple can be applied more than once; it can be stacked by multiple Ground Slams.
Maokai Maokai+5%
Mordekaiser Mordekaiser-5%+5%
Nami Nami+5%-7%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Neeko Neeko-2%
Nidalee Nidalee+7%-5%
Nocturne Nocturne-5%
Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump+5%-8%
  • Shielding done increased by 20%.
  • Healing done increased by 5%.
Pantheon Pantheon-2%+2%
Pyke Pyke-5%
Qiyana Qiyana+5%-8%
Quinn Quinn

Harrier Harrier

  • Quinns may only trigger the bonus damage from their own Vulnerable debuffs.
    • Note that all active debuffs are visible to all Quinns and are not easily distinguished unless its appearance is modified by a skin.
  • Enemies can have multiple Vulnerable debuffs active on them at a time.

Heightened Senses Heightened Senses

  • Quinns will gain the passive bonus for attacking a Vulnerable enemy versus enemies marked by any Quinn.
    • Note that only the Quinn who applied the mark can consume the mark for bonus damage. One Quinn can apply the mark and then deliberately not trigger the mark to allow their allies to continually trigger the passive bonus.
Rammus Rammus+5%
Rek'Sai Rek'Sai+5%-7%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Rell Rell+5%
Renata Glasc Renata Glasc+10%-5%
  • Shielding done increased by 20%.
Rengar Rengar+5%-5%
Ryze Ryze+3%
Senna Senna+5%-10%

Absolution Absolution

  • Wraiths are not shared.
  • Weakened Soul debuff application is individually tracked and does not interact among multiple users.
Sett Sett-5%+5%
Shen Shen-5%
Shyvana Shyvana+2%
Singed Singed

Poison Trail Poison Trail

  • Poison Trail stacks with one another.
Skarner Skarner-3%
Soraka Soraka+3%-3%
  • Healing done increased by 10%.
Syndra Syndra

Unleashed Power Unleashed Power

  • Unleashed Power will grab all nearby spheres, regardless of whose they are.
    • The damage is still capped at 7 spheres, which appears to be the first 7 spheres. Additionally spheres will visually collide with the target but deal no damage.
Taliyah Taliyah+5%-10%
Taric Taric-8%
Thresh Thresh
  • Movement speed increased by 5%.
Trundle Trundle-5%+7%

Subjugate Subjugate

  • Subjugate stacks if cast on the same target more than once by other sources.
Twitch Twitch-2%
Urgot Urgot-5%+2%
Vayne Vayne-3%
Vi Vi-5%+5%
Volibear Volibear-10%+10%
  • Shielding done reduced by 20%.
Wukong Wukong-5%+5%
Xerath Xerath+3%
Xin Zhao Xin Zhao-3%+2%
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Yone Yone-2%
Yorick Yorick-10%+5%
Yuumi Yuumi+15%-20%
  • Shielding done increased by 20%.
  • Healing done increased by 20%.
Zed Zed

Death Mark Death Mark

  • Enemies can only have a single Death Mark on them at a time. Subsequent Death Marks will delete any previous marks, removing all accumulated damage and preventing the detonation.
  • Individual Death Marks will track the damage dealt by any Zed.
Ziggs Ziggs-5%
Zilean Zilean+5%-5%

Time Warp Time Warp

  • The movement speed boost stacks if Time Warp is cast on the same target more than once by other sources.
Zoe Zoe+10%-10%

Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Manamune Manamune

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Rod of Ages Rod of Ages

  • Gain a stack every 40 seconds.

Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess

  • Each charge consumed generates 50% more mana.

Click on the tabs above for more information.

Other Changes[]

  • Turrets
    • Outer turret health reduced to 4000 from 5000.
    • Backdoor damage reduction increased to 90% from 66%.
    • Turrets have plates with URF-style health rules (scaling health rather than even increments). The plates fall off at 8:00 and give 50% of resistances compared to regular SR. They'll also give 130% more gold than in regular SR.
  • Structures
    • Champions begin dealing increased damage to structures at 12:30, scaling up to +25% at 25:00.
    • Non-champion units deal 25% increased damage to structures.
  • General
    • Champions gain the Burst of Speed One for All Buff e
      • Effects:
        • Champions gain 70 summoner spell haste.
        • Champions gain 40 movement speed out-of-combat.
    • Champions gain the Golden Transcendence item Champion Balance Buff e
      • Effects: (only when applicable):
        • This unit deals X% of its normal damage.
        • This unit receives X% of its normal damage.
    • Champions have a faster and longer-lasting Homeguard at the beginning of the game.
    • Champions start with 950 Gold 950.
  • Monsters
  • Minions
    • Minion gold and XP values are multiplied by roughly 130%.
    • Cannon minions begin spawning every other wave at 8:00 and then every wave at 19:00.
Summoner spell haste
Base cooldown â–¶ 420s
â–¼ Cooldown reduction icon Haste
70 (Burst of Speed) 247.06s 176.47s 141.18s 123.53s 105.88s 52.94s 11.76s
82 (Burst of SpeedIonian Boots of Lucidity item) 230.77s 164.84s 131.87s 115.38s 98.9s 49.45s 10.99s
88 (Burst of SpeedCosmic Insight rune) 223.4s 159.57s 127.66s 111.7s 95.74s 47.87s 10.64s
100 (Burst of SpeedIonian Boots of Lucidity itemCosmic Insight rune) 210s 150s 120s 105s 90s 45s 10s

One for All: Mirror Mode[]

One for all- Mirror Mode

One for All: Mirror Mode

"Last time you tangoed with One for All, you could nuke the enemy team with five Final Sparks or chain together a series of Unstoppable Forces. Some teams even achieved immortality with back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back Chronoshifts.

Now it's time for One For All: Mirror Mode! We've moved the action to the Howling Abyss and changed the rules so players on both teams clash with the same champ. Soon you'll really play pinball with Monsoons, dodgeball with Dark Spheres or hide-and-seek with ten times the Noxious Traps.

For this iteration of One For All, champ select is determined by the combined nominations of both teams. A vote tracker shows the nominated champions - if one champ achieves a strict majority, they're chosen. If not, we base the choice on a weighted random from all the nominated champs, so if four people vote for Amumu, three people pick Blitzcrank and the last three all pick different champs; there's a 40% chance everyone plays Amumu, a 30% chance everyone plays Blitz and a 10% chance for each of the remaining champs!

After playing your first game, you'll permanently unlock the One For All icon (it'll take a few days to hit your account). Additionally, we've added a feature to One For All: Mirror Mode that allows you to purchase a Battle Boost for your team during champ select. If you purchase one (150 RP), you'll temporarily unlock all the chosen champ's currently available skins for yourself and your allies. Everyone on your team also gets a one-game 100 IP boost!

This game mode was inspired by feedback from you guys, so let us know what you think! One For All: Mirror Mode will be live from May 29 through June 8 and we'll be hanging out on the Community Beta looking for your thoughts and awesome ideas!"[2]



Related Music

Patch History[]

V12.6 - April 4th Hotfix
  • Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +2% from 0%.
  • Bard Bard
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -15% from -13%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +15% from +13%.
    • Healing modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Braum Braum
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -8%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +8%.
  • Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from +4%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -7% from -5%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from +3%.
    • Healing modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Graves Graves
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Ivern Ivern
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -7% from -5%.
    • Shielding modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Jax Jax
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Kennen Kennen
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +2% from 0%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Lillia Lillia
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Nami Nami
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -7% from -5%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from +3%.
    • Healing modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Neeko Neeko
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Nunu Nunu
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from +3%.
    • Shielding modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Pantheon Pantheon
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +2% from 0%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Rek'Sai Rek'Sai
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -7% from -5%.
    • Healing modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Renata Glasc Renata Glasc
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -5% from 0%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from 0%.
    • Shielding modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Sett Sett
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Shyvana Shyvana
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +2% from 0%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to 0% from -15%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to 0% from +15%.
  • Trundle Trundle
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +7% from +5%.
  • Twitch Twitch
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Urgot Urgot
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +2% from 0%.
  • Vi Vi
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Volibear Volibear
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +10% from +7%.
    • Shielding modifier changed to -20% from 0%.
  • Xin Zhao Xin Zhao
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +2% from 0%.
  • Yone Yone
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -2% from 0%.
  • Yuumi Yuumi
    • Healing modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
    • Shielding modifier changed to +20% from 0%.
  • Zilean Zilean
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -5% from 0%.
V11.16 - August 13th Hotfix
  • Alistar Alistar
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Azir Azir
    • Movement speed modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Braum Braum
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +8% from +5%.
  • Elise Elise
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Graves Graves
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Irelia Irelia
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
  • Ivern Ivern
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +5%.
  • Kog'Maw Kog'Maw
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • LeBlanc LeBlanc
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -5% from 0%.
  • Lillia Lillia
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to 0% from +3%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to 0% from -3%.
  • Nunu Nunu
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Qiyana Qiyana
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Rammus Rammus
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Rengar Rengar
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Skarner Skarner
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Movement speed modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Vayne Vayne
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
  • Xerath Xerath
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
V11.7 - April 5th Hotfix
  • Alistar Alistar
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
  • Aphelios Aphelios
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +8% from +5%.
  • Azir Azir
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +8% from +5%.
  • Bard Bard
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -13% from -10%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +13% from +10%.
  • Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +6% from +3%.
  • Brand Brand
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • Braum Braum
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +4% from 0%.
  • Heimerdinger Heimerdinger
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
  • Illaoi Illaoi
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Janna Janna
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • Kai'Sa Kai'Sa
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • Lillia Lillia
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • Nami Nami
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • Nidalee Nidalee
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +7% from 5%.
  • Rell Rell
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
  • Ryze Ryze
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +3% from 0%.
  • Taric Taric
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +15% from +10%.
  • Xin Zhao Xin Zhao
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -3% from 0%.
  • Yorick Yorick
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from 0%.
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -10% from -5%.
  • One for All bonus changed to 70 summoner spell haste from 40% CDR on summoner spells.
  • Added a separate cosmetic 'Champion Balance Buff' to reflect champion-specific balance changes.
  • Azir Azir
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -3%.
  • Darius Darius
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from +10%.
    • Healing modifier changed to 0% from -5%.
  • Dr Dr. Mundo
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
  • Draven Draven
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Ekko Ekko
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Gangplank Gangplank
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -5%.
  • Garen Garen
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Illaoi Illaoi
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -5% from -3%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from +3%.
  • Ivern Ivern
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +5% from +3%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -5% from -3%.
  • Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Katarina Katarina
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Kayle Kayle
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -5% from -3%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to +5% from +3%.
  • Kindred Kindred
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Nocturne Nocturne
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Rengar Rengar
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Senna Senna
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -5%.
  • Sett Sett
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Shen Shen
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Taliyah Taliyah
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -5%.
  • Taric Taric
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -15% from -10%.
  • Vi Vi
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Volibear Volibear
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -10% from -7%.
  • Yorick Yorick
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Zilean Zilean
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
V10.18 - September 4th Hotfix
  • Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
    • Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
  • Braum Braum
    • Increases damage dealt by 5%.
  • Darius Darius
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to -10% from -5%.
    • Increases incoming damage by 10%.
  • Diana Diana
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Elise Elise
    • Increases damage dealt by 5%.
  • Illaoi Illaoi
    • Increases incoming damage by 3%.
  • Jax Jax
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Lee Sin Lee Sin
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Malphite Malphite
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Nami Nami
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Pyke Pyke
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Qiyana Qiyana
    • Increases damage dealt by 5%.
  • Senna Senna
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +8%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -8%.
  • Urgot Urgot
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
  • Ziggs Ziggs
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Zoe Zoe
    • Outgoing damage modifier changed to +10% from +5%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -5%.
  • Game mode returns from September 3rd, 2020 (1:00 PM PT) to October 1st, 2020.
  • Akali Akali
    • Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
  • Azir Azir
    • Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
  • Bard Bard
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -10% from -7%.
    • Gains 5% increased movement speed.
  • Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
    • Damage dealt increased by 3%.
  • Evelynn Evelynn
    • Can no longer overwrite allies' Allure Allure with her own.
  • Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks
    • Damage dealt increased by 3%.
  • Gangplank Gangplank
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -5% from -3%.
  • Senna Senna
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Taliyah Taliyah
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Bonus damage dealt increased to +8% from +7%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -8% from -5%.
  • Yuumi Yuumi
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -20% from -15%.
  • Zoe Zoe
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
V10.7 - April 3rd Hotfix
  • Amumu Amumu
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
  • Aphelios Aphelios
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Azir Azir
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Bard Bard
    • Bonus damage dealt changed to +10% from +5%.
  • Braum Braum
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Darius Darius
    • Reduces damage dealt by 5%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to 0% from +5%.
  • Dr Dr. Mundo
    • Damage dealt reduced by 5%.
    • Reduces healing by 5%.
  • Elise Elise
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Evelynn Evelynn
    • Damage dealt increased by 7%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -7% from -5%.
  • Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Illaoi Illaoi
    • Damage dealt reduced by 3%.
  • Ivern Ivern
    • Damage dealt increased by 3%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
  • Kayle Kayle
    • Damage dealt reduced by 3%.
    • Increases incoming damage by 3%.
  • Maokai Maokai
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
  • Nidalee Nidalee
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump
    • Damage dealt increased by 3%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
  • Qiyana Qiyana
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Rek'Sai Rek'Sai
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Singed Singed
  • Soraka Soraka
    • Damage dealt increased by 3%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 3%.
    • Healing modifier increased to +10% from +5%.
  • Taliyah Taliyah
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Bonus damage dealt changed to +7% from +5%.
  • Trundle Trundle
    • Damage dealt reduced by 5%.
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
  • Volibear Volibear
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -7% from -5%.
    • Damage dealt reduced by 7%.
    • Healing modifier changed to 0% from -10%.
  • Yuumi Yuumi
    • Bonus damage dealt changed to +15% from +5%.
    • Incoming damage modifier changed to -15% from -10%.
    • Movement speed increased by 5%.
  • Outer Turret
    • Health reduced to 4000 from 5000.
  • Akali Akali
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Bard Bard
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 7%.
  • Darius Darius
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
    • Reduces healing by 5%.
  • Evelynn Evelynn
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Gangplank Gangplank
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump
    • Increases healing by 5%.
  • Soraka Soraka
    • Increases healing by 5%.
  • Thresh Thresh
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 5%.
  • Volibear Volibear
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
    • Reduces healing by 10%.
  • Wukong Wukong
    • Damage dealt reduced by 5%.
    • Increases incoming damage by 5%.
  • Yuumi Yuumi
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
    • Reduces incoming damage by 10%.
  • Zoe Zoe
    • Damage dealt increased by 5%.
  • Turrets
    • Backdoor damage reduction increased to 90% from 66%.
    • Turrets have plates with URF-style health rules (scaling health rather than even increments). The plates fall off at 8:00 and give 50% of resistances compared to regular SR. They'll also give 130% more gold than in regular SR.
  • Structures
    • Champions begin dealing increased damage to structures at 12:30, scaling up to +25% at 25:00.
    • Non-champion units deal 25% increased damage to structures.
  • General
    • Champions gain 40 movement speed out-of-combat.
    • Champions gain 40% CDR on summoner spells.
    • Champions have a faster and longer-lasting Homeguard at the beginning of the game.
    • Champions start with 950 Gold 950.
  • Monsters
  • Minions
    • Minion gold and XP values are multiplied by roughly 130%.
    • Cannon minions begin spawning every other wave at 8:00 and then every wave at 19:00.
  • Game mode returns from March 26th, 2020 (13:00 PM PT) to April 27th, 2020 (23:59 PM PT).
  • Game mode returns from August 2th, 2018 (8:00 AM PT) to August 13th, 2018 (11:59 PM PT).
V3.13 - Added
  • Game mode first available from November 2nd, 2013 to December 2nd, 2013.

