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League of Legends Wiki

Crash Site was a Featured game mode map for the game mode Odyssey: Extraction during the 2018 Odyssey event.


Ziggs Ziggs crash landed on a remote alien world. It is the job for the crew of the Morning Star to save him from the planets dangerous wildlife as well as escape from Ordinal Kayn Ordinal Kayn.


  • The map is a heavily modified Valoran City Park map.
  • All in-game assets updated to be appropriate for Odyssey thematic include: Alien planet with flora and fauna, Ora mines, portals, robots, etc.
  • The announcer is replaced by the Morning Star Crew (Odyssey Jinx Odyssey Jinx, Odyssey Malphite Odyssey Malphite, Odyssey Sona Odyssey Sona, Odyssey Yasuo Odyssey Yasuo) along with Odyssey Kayn Odyssey Kayn and Odyssey Ziggs Odyssey Ziggs.
  • In-game cutscene moments between map transitions.
  • The map has Ziggs's Ora Bot as the shopkeeper that pop-up each time players ends an encounter and is used to teleport to the upcoming encounter by the use of Portal Zones.


  • In Welcome Aboard, the alien world in the video bares a striking resemblance to the world where the Crash Site is located in.


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