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Related to year: leap year


1. Any of various calendrical units based on the time the earth takes to revolve once around the sun, especially:
a. In the Gregorian calendar, a period beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31, consisting of 365 or 366 days in 12 months. Also called calendar year.
b. A period of 365 or 366 days used as the basis for another calendar such as the Julian calendar.
c. A period of 12 or 13 lunar months in a lunisolar calendar such as the Jewish calendar.
d. A period of 12 lunar months in a lunar calendar such as the Islamic calendar.
2. A sidereal year.
3. A solar year.
4. A period of about a year: We were married a year ago.
5. A period equal to the calendar year but beginning on a different date: a tax-reckoning year; a farming year.
6. An annually recurring period devoted to a special activity: the academic year.
7. years Age, especially old age: I'm feeling my years.
8. years An indefinitely long period of time: it's been years since we saw her.

[Middle English yere, from Old English gēar; see yēr- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Units) Also called: civil year the period of time, the calendar year, containing 365 days or in a leap year 366 days. It is based on the Gregorian calendar, being divided into 12 calendar months, and is reckoned from January 1 to December 31
2. a period of twelve months from any specified date, such as one based on the four seasons
3. a specific period of time, usually occupying a definite part or parts of a twelve-month period, used for some particular activity: a school year.
4. (Units) Also called: astronomical year or tropical year the period of time, the solar year, during which the earth makes one revolution around the sun, measured between two successive vernal equinoxes: equal to 365.242 19 days
5. (Units) the period of time, the sidereal year, during which the earth makes one revolution around the sun, measured between two successive conjunctions of a particular distant star: equal to 365.256 36 days
6. (Units) the period of time, the lunar year, containing 12 lunar months and equal to 354.3671 days
7. (Units) the period of time taken by a specified planet to complete one revolution around the sun: the Martian year.
8. (plural) age, esp old age: a man of his years should be more careful.
9. (plural) time: in years to come.
10. (plural) a long time: I hadn't seen him for years.
11. (Education) a group of pupils or students, who are taught or study together, divided into classes at school: they are the best year we've ever had for history.
12. the year dot informal as long ago as can be remembered
13. (Law) year and a day English law a period fixed by law to ensure the completion of a full year. It is applied for certain purposes, such as to determine the time within which wrecks must be claimed
14. year in, year out regularly or monotonously, over a long period
[Old English gear; related to Gothic jēr, Old Saxon, Old High German jār, Old Norse ār year, Polish jar springtime, Latin hōrnus of this year]
Usage: In writing spans of years, it is important to choose a style that avoids ambiguity. The practice adopted in this dictionary is, in four-figure dates, to specify the last two digits of the second date if it falls within the same century as the first: 1801–08; 1850–51; 1899–1901. In writing three-figure bc dates, it is advisable to give both dates in full: 159–156 bc, not 159–56 bc unless of course the span referred to consists of 103 years rather than three years. It is also advisable to specify bc or ad in years under 1000 unless the context makes this self-evident
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, divided into 12 calendar months, now reckoned as beginning Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31 (calendar year). Compare common year, leap year.
2. a period of the same length in other calendars.
a. a space of 12 calendar months calculated from any point: We expect to finish in a year.
4. Astron.
a. Also called lunar year. a division of time equal to 12 lunar months.
b. Also called solar year. a division of time equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds, representing the interval between one vernal equinox and the next.
c. Also called sidereal year. a division of time equal to the solar year plus 20 minutes, the time it takes the earth to complete one revolution around the sun.
5. the time in which any planet completes a revolution around the sun.
6. a full round of the seasons.
7. a period out of every 12 months devoted to a certain pursuit, activity, or the like: the academic year.
8. years,
a. age: a person of her years.
b. old age: a man of years.
c. time; period: the years of hardship.
d. an unusually or markedly long time: We haven't spoken in years.
9. a group of students entering school or college, or those graduating in the same year; class.
year in and year out, regularly through the years. Also, year in, year out.
[before 900; Middle English yeer, Old English gēar, c. Old Saxon, Old High German jār, Old Norse ār, Gothic jer; akin to Greek hôros year]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'class'

A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together.

If classes were smaller, children would learn more.
I had forty students in my class.
2. 'form'

In some British schools and in some American private schools, form is used instead of 'class'. Form is used especially with a number to refer to a particular class or age group.

I teach the fifth form.
She's in Form 5.
3. 'year'

In British English, a year is a set of students of a similar age, who started school at around the same time.

'Which year are you in?' – 'I'm in the fifth year, and Krish is in the third year.'
4. 'grade'

A grade in an American school is similar to a form or a year in a British school.

A boy in the second grade won first prize.


A year is a period of 365 or 366 days, beginning on the first day of January and ending on the last day of December.

We had an election last year.

A year is also any period of twelve months.

The school has been empty for ten years.

You can use year when you are mentioning the age of a person or thing.

She is now seventy-four years old.
My house is about 300 years old.

Be Careful!
When you use year to talk about age, you must use old after it. Don't say, for example, 'She is now seventy-four years'.

See old
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


A unit of time measurement determined by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.year - a period of time containing 365 (or 366) daysyear - a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days; "she is 4 years old"; "in the year 1920"
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
Christian year, church year - the year in the ecclesiastical calendar; especially feast days and special seasons
Holy Year - (Roman Catholic Church) a period of remission from sin (usually granted every 25 years)
New Year - the calendar year just begun
365 days, common year - a year that is not a leap year
366 days, bissextile year, intercalary year, leap year - in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400
off year - a year in which no major political elections are held
off year - a year in which productivity is low or inferior
calendar year, civil year - the year (reckoned from January 1 to December 31) according to Gregorian calendar
financial year, fiscal year - any accounting period of 12 months
annum - (Latin) year; "per annum"
decade, decennary, decennium - a period of 10 years
year of grace - any year of the Christian era
Y2K - the year 2000 in the Gregorian calendar
2.year - a period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity; "a school year"
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
academic year, school year - the period of time each year when the school is open and people are studying
3.year - the period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sunyear - the period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun; "a Martian year takes 687 of our days"
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"
anomalistic year - time of the earth's revolution from perihelion to perihelion again; 365 days and 6 hr and 13 min and 53.1 sec
astronomical year, equinoctial year, solar year, tropical year - the time for the earth to make one revolution around the sun, measured between two vernal equinoxes
lunar year - a period of 12 lunar months
month - a time unit of approximately 30 days; "he was given a month to pay the bill"
sidereal year - the time for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun, relative to the fixed stars
time of year, season - one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions; "the regular sequence of the seasons"
4.year - a body of students who graduate togetheryear - a body of students who graduate together; "the class of '97"; "she was in my year at Hoehandle High"
assemblage, gathering - a group of persons together in one place
graduating class - the body of students who graduate together this year
senior class - final grade or class in high school or college
junior class - penultimate class in high school or college
sophomore class - the second class in a four-year college or high school
freshman class - the first class in college or high school
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. twelve months, calendar year, twelve month period She's done quite a bit of work this last year.
plural noun
1. old age, age, senility, dotage, senescence, second childhood, eld (archaic) His advanced years have made him absent-minded.
Related words
adjective annual
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. A period of time of approximately 12 months, especially that period during which the earth completes a single revolution around the sun:
2. A period of origin:
Informal: vintage.
3. Old age.Used in plural:
4. A long time.Used in plural:
Informal: age (used in plural), blue moon.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أعوامسَنَةسَنَه: 365 يوماعام
metaikiaurus metus
letocelo leto


[ˈjɪəʳ] N
1. (= twelve months) → año m
it takes yearses cosa de años, se tarda años
we waited yearsesperamos una eternidad
in the year (of our Lord) 1869en el año (del Señor) 1869
he died in his 89th yearmurió a los 89 años
he got ten yearsle condenaron a diez años de prisión
three times a yeartres veces al año
100 dollars a year100 dólares al año
in after years (liter) → en los años siguientes, años después
to reckon sth by the yearcalcular algo por años
year endfinal m del año
we never see her from one year's end to the otherno la vemos en todo el año
year of graceaño m de gracia
year in, year outaño tras año, todos los años sin falta
to reckon sth in yearscalcular algo por años
last yearel año pasado
the year before lastel año antepasado
next year (looking to future) → el año que viene
the next year (in past time) → el año siguiente
she's three years oldtiene tres años
an eight-year-old childun niño de ocho años
the work has put years on himel trabajo lo ha envejecido
all (the) year rounddurante todo el año
that hairstyle takes years off youese peinado te quita un montón de años
in the year doten el año de la nana
since the year dotdesde el año de la nana, desde siempre
2. (= age)
in my early yearsen mi infancia, en mi juventud
from her earliest yearsdesde muy joven
he looks old/young for his yearsaparenta más/menos años de los que tiene
she's very spry for a woman of her yearspara una mujer de su edad está muy ágil
he's getting on in yearsva para viejo
in his later yearsen sus últimos años
3. (Brit) (Scol, Univ) → curso m, año m
she's in the fifth yearestá en quinto
the kids in my yearlos chicos de mi curso
he's in fourth year Lawestudia cuarto (curso de) de Derecho
4. [of wine] → cosecha f, vendimia f
1982 was a good/bad year1982 fue una buena/mala cosecha or vendimia, 1982 fue un buen/mal año
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= 12-month period) → an m, année f
She's done quite a bit of work this past year → Elle a fait pas mal de travail pendant l'année qui vient de s'écouler.
The school has been empty for ten years → L'école est vide depuis dix ans.
a year or two after I left → un an ou deux après que je sois parti, une année ou deux après que je sois parti
The year was 1840
BUT C'était en 1840.
last year → l'an dernier
next year → l'an prochain, l'année prochaine
every year → tous les ans, chaque année
this year → cette année
a year (= per year) → par an
I only visit my brother once a year → Je rends visite à mon frère une fois par an seulement.
£3000 per year → trois mille livres par an
in the year 2000 → en 2000
all year round → toute l'année
year in, year out → année après année
year after year → année après année
(referring to age)an m
to be 8 years old → avoir 8 ans
She's 8 years old → Elle a 8 ans.
an eight-year-old child → un enfant de huit ans
a man of his years → un homme de son âge
a woman of her years → une femme de son âge
to put years on sb → vieillir qn
to take years off sb → rajeunir qn
the academic year (at school)l'année scolaire; (at university)l'année universitaire
year one (at school)cours m préparatoire
year seven → sixième f
to be in year seven → être en sixième
to be in year nine → être en quatrième
(BUSINESS) (= financial year) → exercice m
(for wine)année f, millésime m years
npl (= a long time) → des années
I haven't laughed so much in years → Je n'ai pas autant ri depuis des années.
I hadn't seen him for years → Je ne l'avais pas vu depuis de années., Ça faisait des années que je ne l'avais pas vu.
We lived there for years → Nous y avons vécu pendant des années.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Jahr nt; this/last yeardieses/letztes Jahr; every other yearjedes zweite Jahr; three times a yeardreimal pro or im Jahr; in the year 1989im Jahr(e) 1989; in the year of Our Lord 1997 (form)im Jahr(e) des Herrn 1997 (geh); year after yearJahr für Jahr; year by year, from year to yearvon Jahr zu Jahr; year in, year outjahrein, jahraus; all (the) year rounddas ganze Jahr über or hindurch; as (the) years go bymit den Jahren; years (and years) agovor (langen) Jahren; to pay by the yearjährlich zahlen; a year last January(im) Januar vor einem Jahr; it’ll be a year in or next January (duration) → es wird nächsten Januar ein Jahr sein; (point in time) → es wird nächsten Januar ein Jahr her sein; a year from nownächstes Jahr um diese Zeit; a hundred-year-old treeein hundert Jahre alter Baum, ein hundertjähriger Baum; a hundred-year-old treeein hundert Jahre alter Baum, ein hundertjähriger Baum; he is six years old or six years of ageer ist sechs Jahre (alt); he is in his fortieth yearer steht (geh)or ist im vierzigsten Lebensjahr; he gets £23,000 a yearer bekommt £ 23.000 jährlich or pro Jahr or im Jahr; I haven’t laughed so much in yearsich habe schon lange nicht mehr so gelacht; that new hairdo has taken years off you (inf)diese neue Frisur macht dich um Jahre jünger; it’s taken years off my lifees hat mich Jahre meines Lebens gekostet; it has put years on mees hat mich (um) Jahre älter gemacht
(Univ, Sch, of coin, stamp, wine) → Jahrgang m; the 2001/02 academic yeardas akademische Jahr 2001/02; he is bottom in his year (Univ, Sch) → er ist der Schlechteste seines Jahrgangs or in seinem Jahrgang; first-year student, first yearStudent(in) m(f)im ersten Jahr; (= first term student)Student(in) m(f)im ersten Semester, Erstsemester nt; she was in my year at schoolsie war im selben Schuljahrgang wie ich
from his earliest yearsvon frühester Kindheit an, seit seiner frühesten Kindheit; he looks old for his yearser sieht älter aus als er ist; young for his yearsjung für sein Alter; well advanced or well on in yearsim vorgerückten Alter; to get on in yearsin die Jahre kommen; difference in yearsAltersunterschied m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[jɪəʳ] n
a. (gen) → anno
this year → quest'anno
every year → tutti gli anni, ogni anno
all (the) year round → (per) tutto l'anno
year in, year out → anno dopo anno
year by year, from year to year → col passar degli anni
years and years ago → tanti anni fa
from one year to the next → da un anno all'altro
three times a year → tre volte all'anno
in the year 1869 → nell'anno 1869, nel 1869
in the year of grace → nell'anno di grazia
last year → l'anno scorso
next year (looking to future) → l'anno prossimo or venturo
the next year (in past time) → l'anno seguente or successivo
he got 10 years (in prison) → si è beccato 10 anni
it takes years → ci vogliono anni
I met him a year last January → a gennaio fa un anno che l'ho conosciuto
a year tomorrow → domani tra un anno
I haven't seen her for years → non la vedo da anni, sono anni che non la vedo
over the years → con gli anni
she's three years old → ha tre anni
she's in her fiftieth year → compierà cinquant'anni
it's taken years off her → l'ha ringiovanita
a or per year → all'anno
b. (Scol, Univ) → anno
he's in the second year → è al secondo anno
he was in my year at university → frequentavamo lo stesso anno di università
c. (of wine) → annata
d. (age) old/young for one's yearsvecchio/giovane per i suoi anni or per la sua età
from her earliest years → fin dall'infanzia, fin dalla più tenera età
he's getting on in years → ha i suoi anni ormai
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(jiə) noun
1. the period of time the earth takes to go once round the sun, about 365 days. We lived here for five years, from November 1968 to November 1973; a two-year delay.
2. the period from January 1 to December 31, being 365 days, except in a leap year, when it is 366 days. in the year 1945.
ˈyearly adjective
happening etc every year. We pay a yearly visit to my uncle.
every year. The festival is held yearly.
ˈyear-book noun
a book of information which is updated and published every year. a students' year-book.
all (the) year round/long etc
throughout the whole year. The weather is so good here that we can swim all (the) year round.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


سَنَة rok år Jahr έτος año vuosi année godina anno jaar år rok ano год år ปี yıl năm
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. año;
at the beginning of the ___a principios de ___;
at the end of the ___al final del ___;
every ___todos los ___ -s;
last ___el ___ pasado;
New YearAño Nuevo;
once a ___una vez al ___;
adv. anualmente.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n año
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"The old year is going away beautifully," said Anne.
As a rule, there is not more than one short sentence for a year, sometimes not even that, but merely a date.
"The old chair has begun another year of its existence, to-day," said Laurence.
I had two years' new work to do in a third of a year.
The earliest records of subsequent date prove that parliaments were to SIT only every year; not that they were to be ELECTED every year.
"Fourthly and finally," the father said, looking ironically at his son, "I beg you to put it off for a year: go abroad, take a cure, look out as you wanted to for a German tutor for Prince Nicholas.
Lord George Gordon, remaining in his prison in the Tower until Monday the fifth of February in the following year, was on that day solemnly tried at Westminster for High Treason.
At the same time, near and dear relatives came forward, who were ready and anxious to give Blanche and her governess a home--Sir Thomas, on his side, engaging to bring his wife back in a year and a half, or, at most, in two years' time.
Selkirk's story had been briefly told in the year of his return in a newspaper of Steele, 'The Englishman'; it was later to inspire the most famous poem of William Cowper.
Mazarin's guards; and twelve thousand francs a year would in twelve years amount to one hundred and forty thousand francs."
Yet year after year we give eager belief to his promises.
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislature.