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The Adjutant General

tag 1

1. A strip of leather, paper, metal, or plastic attached to something or hung from a wearer's neck to identify, classify, or label: sale tags on all coats and dresses.
2. The plastic or metal tip at the end of a shoelace.
3. The contrastingly colored tip of an animal's tail.
a. A dirty, matted lock of wool.
b. A loose lock of hair.
5. A rag; a tatter.
6. A small, loose fragment: I heard only tags and snippets of what was being said.
7. An ornamental flourish, especially at the end of a signature.
8. A designation or epithet, especially an unwelcome one: He did not take kindly to the tag of pauper.
a. A brief quotation used in a discourse to give it an air of erudition or authority: Shakespearean tags.
b. A cliché, saw, or similar short, conventional idea used to embellish a discourse: These tags of wit and wisdom bore me.
c. The refrain or last lines of a song or poem.
d. The closing lines of a speech in a play; a cue.
10. Computers
a. A label assigned to identify data in memory.
b. A sequence of characters in a markup language used to provide information, such as formatting specifications, about a document.
c. A metatag.
11. Slang A piece of graffiti featuring text, especially the author's name, rather than a picture: "Instead of a cursive linear tag, Super Kool painted his name along the exterior of a subway car in huge block pink and yellow letters" (Eric Scigliano).
v. tagged, tag·ging, tags
1. To label, identify, or recognize with a tag or other identifier: I tagged him as a loser.
2. To put a ticket on (a motor vehicle) for a traffic or parking violation.
3. To add as an appendage to: tagged an extra paragraph on the letter.
4. To follow closely: Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.
5. To cut the tags from (sheep).
6. To add a taggant to: explosives that were tagged with coded microscopic bits of plastic.
7. Slang To mark or vandalize (a surface) with a graffiti tag: tagged the subway walls.
To follow after; accompany: tagged after me everywhere; insisted on tagging along.

[Middle English, dangling piece of cloth on a garment, possibly of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish tagg, prickle, thorn.]

tag′ger n.

tag 2

1. Games A children's game in which one player pursues the others until he or she is able to touch one of them, who then in turn becomes the pursuer.
2. Baseball The act of tagging a base runner.
3. Sports The act of tagging a ball carrier in touch football.
tr.v. tagged, tag·ging, tags
1. To touch (another player) in the game of tag.
2. Baseball To touch (a base runner) with the ball in order to make a putout.
3. Sports To touch (a ball carrier) to end a play in touch football.
Phrasal Verb:
tag up Baseball
To return to and touch a base with one foot before running to the next base after a fielder has caught a fly ball.

[Perhaps variant of Scots tig, touch, tap, probably alteration of Middle English tek.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a piece or strip of paper, plastic, leather, etc, for attaching to something by one end as a mark or label: a price tag.
2. (Law) Also called: electronic tag an electronic device worn, usually on the wrist or ankle, by an offender serving a noncustodial sentence, which monitors the offender's whereabouts by means of a link to a central computer through the telephone system
3. a small piece of material hanging from or loosely attached to a part or piece
4. a point of metal or other hard substance at the end of a cord, lace, etc, to prevent it from fraying and to facilitate threading
5. an epithet or verbal appendage, the refrain of a song, the moral of a fable, etc
6. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a brief quotation, esp one in a foreign language: his speech was interlarded with Horatian tags.
7. (Grammar) grammar
a. Also called: tag question a clause added on to another clause to invite the hearer's agreement or conversational cooperation. Tags are usually in the form of a question with a pronoun as subject, the antecedent of which is the subject of the main clause; as isn't it in the bread is on the table, isn't it?
b. a linguistic item added on to a sentence but not forming part of it, as John in are you there, John?
8. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) an ornamental flourish as at the end of a signature
9. (Zoology) the contrastingly coloured tip to an animal's tail
10. (Agriculture) a matted lock of wool or hair
11. (Angling) angling a strand of tinsel, wire, etc, tied to the body of an artificial fly
12. (Art Terms) slang a graffito consisting of a nickname or personal symbol
vb (mainly tr) , tags, tagging or tagged
13. to mark with a tag
14. (Law) to monitor the whereabouts of (an offender) by means of an electronic tag
15. to add or append as a tag
16. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) to supply (prose or blank verse) with rhymes
17. (intr; usually foll by on or along) to trail (behind): many small boys tagged on behind the procession.
18. to name or call (someone something): they tagged him Lanky.
19. (Agriculture) to cut the tags of wool or hair from (an animal)
20. slang to paint one's tag on (a building, wall, etc)
[C15: of uncertain origin; related to Swedish tagg point, perhaps also to tack1]


1. (Games, other than specified) Also called: tig a children's game in which one player chases the others in an attempt to catch one of them who will then become the chaser
2. (Wrestling) the act of tagging one's partner in tag wrestling
3. (Wrestling) (modifier) denoting or relating to a wrestling contest between two teams of two wrestlers, in which only one from each team may be in the ring at one time. The contestant outside the ring may change places with his team-mate inside the ring after touching his hand
vb (tr) , tags, tagging or tagged
4. (Games, other than specified) to catch (another child) in the game of tag
5. (Wrestling) (in tag wrestling) to touch the hand of (one's partner)
[C18: perhaps from tag1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. tagged, tag•ging. n.
1. a piece of paper, plastic, etc., attached to something as a marker or label: a price tag.
2. any small hanging or loosely attached part or piece; tatter.
3. a loop of material sewn on a garment so that it can be hung up.
4. a metal or plastic tip at the end of a shoelace or cord.
5. a small piece of tinsel or the like tied to the shank of a fishhook at the body of an artificial fly.
6. the tail end or concluding part, as of a proceeding.
8. a symbol or other labeling device indicating the beginning or end of a unit of information in an electronic document.
9. an addition to a speech or writing, as the moral of a fable.
10. a quotation added for special effect.
11. a descriptive word or phrase applied to a person, group, etc., as a label or identifier; epithet.
12. a lock of hair.
13. a matted lock of wool on a sheep.
14. the white tip of the tail of a fox.
15. to furnish with a tag; attach a tag to.
16. to append as a tag, addition, or afterthought.
17. to attach or give an epithet to; label.
18. to write graffiti on.
19. to give a traffic ticket to.
20. to hold accountable for something; attach blame to.
21. to set a price on; fix the cost of.
22. to follow closely.
23. to remove the tags of wool from (a sheep).
24. to follow closely: to tag along behind someone.
25. to write graffiti.
[1375–1425; late Middle English tagge]
tag′ger, n.



n., v. tagged, tag•ging. n.
1. a children's game in which one player chases the others in an effort to touch one of them, who then becomes the pursuer.
2. an act or instance of tagging a runner in baseball.
3. to touch in or as if in the game of tag.
4. to put out (a runner) in baseball by a touch with the ball held in the hand or glove.
5. to make a hit or run in batting against (a baseball pitcher).
6. Informal. to strike (a person or object) solidly.
7. tag up, (of a runner in baseball) to touch the base before attempting to advance after the catch of a fly ball.
[1730–40; perhaps identical with tag1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 the rabble; the lowest class of the populace, 1607. See also rag-tag.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: tagged
Gerund: tagging

I tag
you tag
he/she/it tags
we tag
you tag
they tag
I tagged
you tagged
he/she/it tagged
we tagged
you tagged
they tagged
Present Continuous
I am tagging
you are tagging
he/she/it is tagging
we are tagging
you are tagging
they are tagging
Present Perfect
I have tagged
you have tagged
he/she/it has tagged
we have tagged
you have tagged
they have tagged
Past Continuous
I was tagging
you were tagging
he/she/it was tagging
we were tagging
you were tagging
they were tagging
Past Perfect
I had tagged
you had tagged
he/she/it had tagged
we had tagged
you had tagged
they had tagged
I will tag
you will tag
he/she/it will tag
we will tag
you will tag
they will tag
Future Perfect
I will have tagged
you will have tagged
he/she/it will have tagged
we will have tagged
you will have tagged
they will have tagged
Future Continuous
I will be tagging
you will be tagging
he/she/it will be tagging
we will be tagging
you will be tagging
they will be tagging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been tagging
you have been tagging
he/she/it has been tagging
we have been tagging
you have been tagging
they have been tagging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been tagging
you will have been tagging
he/she/it will have been tagging
we will have been tagging
you will have been tagging
they will have been tagging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been tagging
you had been tagging
he/she/it had been tagging
we had been tagging
you had been tagging
they had been tagging
I would tag
you would tag
he/she/it would tag
we would tag
you would tag
they would tag
Past Conditional
I would have tagged
you would have tagged
he/she/it would have tagged
we would have tagged
you would have tagged
they would have tagged
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


A descriptive label attached to a website or web page that provides information about its content.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tag - a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.tag - a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.
label - an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object
dog tag - metal plate on a dog collar bearing its registration number
dog tag - military identification tag worn on a chain around the neck
name tag - a tag showing the name of the person who wears it
price tag - a tag showing the price of the article it is attached to
2.tag - a label associated with something for the purpose of identification; "semantic tags were attached in order to identify different meanings of the word"
label - an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object
3.tag - a small piece of cloth or papertag - a small piece of cloth or paper  
piece of cloth, piece of material - a separate part consisting of fabric
pine-tar rag - baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip
4.tag - a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser
tag - (sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)
child's game - a game enjoyed by children
5.tag - (sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)
touching, touch - the act of putting two things together with no space between them; "at his touch the room filled with lights"
baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
tag - a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser
Verb1.tag - attach a tag or label totag - attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles"
mark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads"
attach - cause to be attached
brandmark, trademark, brand - mark with a brand or trademark; "when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price"
point - mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes
point - mark with diacritics; "point the letter"
point - mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics
calibrate - mark (the scale of a measuring instrument) so that it can be read in the desired units; "he calibrated the thermometer for the Celsius scale"
code - attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later"
badge - put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged"
2.tag - touch a player while he is holding the ball
baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
touch - make physical contact with, come in contact with; "Touch the stone for good luck"; "She never touched her husband"
nab - tag the base runner to get him out
3.tag - provide with a name or nickname
call, name - assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to; "They named their son David"; "The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"
4.tag - go after with the intent to catchtag - go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit"
tree - chase an animal up a tree; "the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"; "her dog likes to tree squirrels"
pursue, follow - follow in or as if in pursuit; "The police car pursued the suspected attacker"; "Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life"
quest - search the trail of (game); "The dog went off and quested"
hound, hunt, trace - pursue or chase relentlessly; "The hunters traced the deer into the woods"; "the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him"
run down - pursue until captured; "They ran down the fugitive"
tag along - go along with, often uninvited; "my younger brother often tagged along when I went out with my friends"
5.tag - supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes
poesy, poetry, verse - literature in metrical form
rhyme, rime - compose rhymes
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. label, tab, sticker, note, ticket, slip, flag, identification, marker, flap, docket Staff wore name tags and called inmates by their first names.
2. identity, name, label, description, denomination, characterization Jazz is starting to lose its elitist tag.
1. label, mark, flag, ticket, identify, earmark Important trees were tagged to protect them from machinery.
2. name, call, label, term, style, dub, nickname, christen The critics still tagged him with his old name.
tag along with or behind someone accompany, follow, shadow, dog, attend, tail (informal), trail She seemed happy to tag along with us.
tag something on add, tack on, append, adjoin, fasten, annex, affix It's worth tagging on an extra day or two to see the capital.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. An identifying or descriptive slip:
2. The word or words by which one is called and identified:
Slang: handle, moniker.
1. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture:
2. To attach a ticket to:
3. To describe with a word or term:
4. To follow closely or persistently:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إضافَهإمْسِكْني: لُعْبَة أطْفالبِطَاقَةكَلام مأثور يُسْتَشْهَد بِهلاصِقَه، بِطاقَه
visačkaznačkacitátčudlíkhra na honěnou
fogócskafûzõvégjelölõ elemutókérdéscédulát tesz vmire
merkjamiîi, merkitilvitnun, tuggaviîkvæîi
liestynėssekiotivilktis iš paskos
birkacitātsetiķetefirmas zīmepiebilde
chytačkakrátka otázkanaháňačkapripevniť visačku
etiketetiket takmakklişesıkça yinelenen söz'değil mi?' li soru cümlesi


A. N
1. (= label) → etiqueta f, marbete m; (on shoelace) → herrete m; (for identification) → chapa f; (= surveillance device) → etiqueta f personal de control
name tagetiqueta f de identificación
see also price C
2. (= game) to play tagjugar al cogecoge or (LAm) a la pega
3. (= cliché) → tópico m, dicho m, lugar m común; (= catchword) → muletilla f; (= quotation) → cita f trillada; (= proverb) → refrán m
4. (Ling) (also tag question) → cláusula f final interrogativa
1. (= follow) → seguirle la pista a
2. (= describe) [+ person] → poner una etiqueta a
3. [+ criminal] → controlar electrónicamente
C. VI to tag after sbseguir a algn
tag along VI + ADV we don't want your brother tagging alongno queremos que tu hermano se nos pegue
there was another boat tagging along behind ushabía otro barco que nos seguía
tag on
A. VT + ADVañadir
B. VI + ADV to tag on to sbpegarse a algn
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= label) → étiquette f
price tag (= label) → étiquette f (= asking price) → prix m
name tag → badge m
Everyone at the party wore a name tag → Tout le monde à la fête portait un badge.
(for surveillance, security)étiquette f
electronic tag → étiquette f électronique
security tag → étiquette f antivol
(= name) → étiquette f
In Britain jazz is losing its elitist tag → En Grande-Bretagne, le jazz perd son étiquette élitiste.
(= quotation) → cote f
(LINGUISTICS)queue f de phrase
(= children's game) → chat m
to play tag → jouer à chat
(= fasten a label on) → étiqueter
(= call) → appeler
tag along
He said we could tag along, if we were quiet → Il a dit que nous pouvions les suivre si nous ne faisions pas de bruit.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= label)Schild(chen) nt; (on clothes, with maker’s name) → Etikett nt; (with owner’s name) → Namensschild(chen) nt; (= loop)Aufhänger m; (= electronic tag)elektronische Markierung; (fig: = description) → Bezeichnung f; the cattle had metal tags in their earsdie Rinder hatten Blechmarken in den Ohren
(= hackneyed phrase)stehende Redensart
(Gram: = question tag) → Bestätigungsfrage f
(= game)Fangen nt
specimenmit Schildchen versehen; cattle(mit Blechmarke) zeichnen; garment, goodsetikettieren; (with price) → auszeichnen; (with owner’s name) → (mit Namensschildchen) zeichnen; suitcasemit einem Anhänger versehen; offender (with electronic tag) → mit einer elektronischen Markierung versehen; (fig: = describe) → bezeichnen
(US Mot inf) → einen Strafzettel verpassen (+dat)
vi to tag behind or after somebodyhinter jdm hertrotten or -zockeln (inf)


tag question
nBestätigungsfrage f
tag rope
n (Sport) → Seil nt (beim tag wrestling)
tag sale
n (US) privater Verkauf von Haushaltsgegenständen und Trödel
tag wrestler
nRinger(in) m(f) (beim tag wrestling)
tag wrestling
n Ringkampf zwischen 2 Ringerpaaren, wobei immer 2 auf der Matte sind, während die 2 Auswechselkämpfer an den Seilen warten
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[tæg] n
a. (label) → etichetta; (metal point) → puntale m
price/name tag → etichetta del prezzo/con il nome
b. (game) → chiapparello
tag along vi + advandare (or venire)
do you mind if I tag along? → ti dispiace se vengo anch'io?
to tag along behind sb → andare (or venire) dietro a qn
tag on vt + adv to tag sth on (to the end of sth)aggiungere qc (alla fine di qc)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(tӕg) noun
1. a label. a price-tag; a name-tag.
2. a saying or quotation that is often repeated. a well-known Latin tag.
3. something small that is added on or attached. a question-tag such as `isn't it?'
4. a children's game in which one player chases the others and tries to touch one of them. to play tag.
verbpast tense, past participle tagged
to put a tag or label on something. All the clothes have been tagged.
tag along (often with behindor with)
to follow or go (with someone), often when one is not wanted. We never get away from him – everywhere we go, he insists on tagging along (with us)!
tag on
1. (usually with at or to) to attach (something) to something. These comments weren't part of his speech – he just tagged them on at the end.
2. to follow (someone) closely. The child always tags on to his elder brother.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بِطَاقَة visačka mærke Schild ταμπέλα etiqueta lappu étiquette oznaka etichetta 付け札 꼬리표 etiket merkelapp metka etiqueta ярлык etikett แถบป้ายบอกข้อมูล etiket nhãn 标签
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. [label] etiqueta.
pólipo pequeño.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
We were having a great time playing tree tag. And such tag!
I have no other moral than this to tag to the present story of "Vanity Fair." Some people consider Fairs immoral altogether, and eschew such, with their servants and families: very likely they are right.
Tom said we better jump out and tag along after them, because they was going our way and it wouldn't be comfortable to run across the ghost all by ourselves.
What deh hell deh yeh wanna tag aroun' atter me fer?
She yet retained her childish delight in the primitive games of tag and hide-and-go-seek which Tarzan's fertile man-mind had evolved.
It was entitled, with twenty's love for a tag of Latin, Ad Puellam Auream, and it ran thus:--
Part of the process of recovering from my long sickness was to find delight in little things, in things unconnected with books and problems, in play, in games of tag in the swimming pool, in flying kites, in fooling with horses, in working out mechanical puzzles.
Some played at blindman's buff, others at tag. Here a group played circus, there another sang and recited.
"Ay, you may tag my verses if you will," replied the great blind man.
It was a crisp autumn evening, just cold enough to make one glad to quit playing tag in the yard, and retreat into the kitchen.
The count nodded affirmatively, and Natasha, at the rapid pace at which she used to run when playing at tag, ran through the ballroom to the anteroom and downstairs into the yard.
He carefully produced two large vulgus-books, and began diving into them, and picking out a line here, and an ending there (tags, as they were vulgarly called), till he had gotten all that he thought he could make fit.