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Related to Baby-proofing: childproofing


Denotes packaging designed to prevent injury to children, refers particularly to medicines and household chemicals.
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1 Prepare early A couple of points to note up front: First of all, no amount of baby-proofing can substitute for watchful supervision, so don't let gadgets lull you into a false sense of security.
Such baby-proofing accessories are a boon to retailers.
The book includes month-by-month advice on topics ranging from feeding, sleeping and teething to baby-proofing a home.
They cover serious issues like shaken baby syndrome and home baby-proofing, and light stuff, like what to pack in your diaper bag.
The entire homeland security debate is framed in terms of what you can do to protect your home, which essentially turns terrorism preparedness into a high-stress equivalent of baby-proofing. After all, Ridge dispatched millions of anxious Americans to Home Depot--not army surplus stores or Office Depot, mind you--for plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Class 6: Becoming Parents Nurturing your child, your family, and yourselves Partnership in parenting, sharing responsibilities, sexuality Juggling career and family Pediatric care, baby-proofing, "sleeping" arrangements (or lack thereof) Special surprise guests (new parents with babies make the best teachers!)
Every parent has to go through the process of baby-proofing the home.
After three kids, we thought we had the hang of baby-proofing, but our youngest daughter is a champion climber.
Do I keep baby-proofing and moving everything higher until he moves out?
"Well he's on all fours now so you want to get baby-proofing pretty quick," she said with a knowing smile.