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Synonyms for childproof

make safe against children


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I had to baby-proof the house as though a toddler lived there.
Sources added Kylie has even taken the initiative to baby-proof her home.
Based in the England Cluster at International City, Nolan sells and rents out a vast range of items to baby-proof homes including sliding windows and door locks, stair gates and oven locks, as well as door locks and latches.
"We would baby-proof everywhere, like really expensive suites.
* 'Baby-proof' your home so your baby can enjoy challenges without battles.
Not only does this baby-proof the outlet, but the plug cannot be bent or crushed, which might cause a fire.
Gumigem FLEXIBLE non-toxic baby-proof silicone jewellery for mums designed to look good, but safe for babies to grab, pull and even put in their mouths when teething.
But we don't want to draw any conclusions." He said there was a baby-proof barrier surrounding the hot tub and connecting swimming pool but it had been left open.
Joe and I made sure to baby-proof the house so they couldn't hurt themselves and the girls knew they had to be careful.
He added that a baby-proof gate, required by law, had been left open.
The Kifaru Reserve, Folly Farm's PS500,000 purpose-built flagship conservation exhibit, will now be baby-proofed ahead of the birth.
For the meantime, she has baby-proofed her current mansion and even managed to spruce up the baby's nursery before its birth.