
(redirected from baby-minding)


(Professions) a person who is paid to look after other people's babies or very young children
ˈbaby-ˌminding n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈbeɪbɪˌmaɪndəʳ] nbambinaia (per madri che lavorano)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
So for all the dedicated mums and dads up and down the country, for the baby-minding grans, aunties, uncles and brothers and every one of the best neighbours, firm friends and brilliant bosses, it's time for all of us to take a moment and remember to thank people.
"Being a comedian has helped me cope with the more rigorous elements of baby-minding. I view my daughter as a very persistent heckler that I am unable to swear at" - Stand-up comic Richard Herring.
It's very easy to stay in one job and make that your comfort zone, and I want to resist that temptation" Actor Christopher Eccleston discloses differences with his bosses which led him to quit Doctor Who "Being a comedian has helped me cope with the more rigorous elements of baby-minding. I view my daughter as a very persistent heckler that I am unable to swear at" Stand-up comic Richard Herring "It is a shirtsleeves job but I don't feel we can dispense with the tie.
Felicity and Harry were besotted with each other as these pictures of them show capturing them kissing, cuddling, chatting and baby-minding just like any other young couple in love.
"The idea that you can have untrained people in baby-minding large numbers of children, with all the potential that has for accidents, for chaos, for poor behaviour, I think that is a nonsense."
CHINESE 'baby-minding' barrels and ornate French salon-style chairs are just some of the contrasting items for sale in a converted barn on the edge of Coventry.
English women confined themselves to house-cleaning and baby-minding for 'working mothers'.
With numerous sports and entertainments, baby-minding facilities, drinks, ice creams and meals thrown in, it removes all the usual hidden costs of a package holiday.
But incentives such as free travel and baby-minding have FAILED to attract people from Balloch, Alexandria, Renton and Bonhill to new training courses.
And think what's in it for the Duchess herself - a regular income, her Budgie books promoted in The Kabin and Sally's baby-minding service for her tots.
"The idea that you can have untrained people in, baby-minding large numbers of children, with all the potential that has for accidents, for chaos, for poor behaviour, I think that is a nonsense."