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make safe against children


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References in periodicals archive ?
Still, whether you're a royal or a regular Joe, baby-proofing your home for new arrivals can be a pretty big task.
Stylish, inconspicuous baby-proofing was a priority for Rebecca Stanton, a New York City mom.
Since it will be a little while before your baby becomes mobile, you can hold off on baby-proofing the house, although if you have the time and feel the urge, it's never too early to start?
And for everything else -- from assembling the crib to baby-proofing the house -- there is TaskRabbit.
She has set up a company, named after her twins, offering an in-home baby-proofing consultation service.
From educational toys and baby-proofing to setting up a bank account to build funds for their future, there are many things we do to ensure our new bundle of joy has the best possible start in life.
Following the accident that left neighbours shocked, child safety experts are reminding parents of the importance of baby-proofing their home, such as installing safety catches on windows.
People are more aware and it is better to exercise caution," said Duri Arbab, owner of Duma Safe, which sells baby-proofing products.
A second episode--creating a one-hour premiere--is equally arid, with Mike pushing middle-kid Mandy (Molly Ephraim) to find a job, and chafing about the sissified notion of baby-proofing the house.
An alternative would be to offer a "Baby Safety Class" that could cover not only babywearing, but other safety issues such as baby-proofing a house, bathing a baby, crib safety, etc.
A few specialty chapters highlight guest expert authors on topics such as baby-proofing the home or raising an eco-baby.
Eight-months pregnant with her first child, Valerie Holstein began the task of baby-proofing her home.
This spoof on traditional baby guidebooks (and a certain kind of overprotective, affluent parent) offers advice on everything from "The thin line between 'cute' and 'cruel' baby hats" to "How to read your baby's thoughts by scrutinizing her obsessively," not to mention helpful sections on naming, baby-proofing and co-pooping.
Advice is organized by task rather than age, and gives details on such topics as preparing for birth, feeding, bathing, baby-proofing, creating the best sleeping environment, and traveling.