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League of Legends Wiki

Previous Champion Spotlight[]

Previous Abilities[]

Irelia OriginalCentered old2
Base Statistics
Health 607.2 +90 Attack damage 70 +3.3
Health regen. 8.5 +0.65 Attack speed [*] 0.665 (+ 0 +3.2%)
Armor 34 +3.75 Crit. damage 200%
Magic resist. 32.1 +1.25 Range 125
Mana 338.8 +32 Gameplay radius 65
Mana regen. 8.1 +0.65 Move. speed 345
Fighter icon Irelia
the Will of the Blades
Price:BE 4800 / RP 880
Secondary Bar:Mana resource Mana
Release Date:2010-11-16 Last Changed:V8.3
Secondary Attributes:Melee role Melee
Champion style basic attacks activeChampion style 30Champion style abilities inactive
Champion difficulty 2

Ionian Fervor

Ionian Fervor old

Innate: Irelia gains tenacity based on if she is outnumbered or not (allied champions against enemy champions):

  • Number's Advantage: Grants 0% tenacity.
  • Even Fight: Grants 10% tenacity.
  • Outnumber: Grants 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (based on level)% tenacity.

  • When active Irelia's Mantle of Decorum on her back will glow (brighter the more enemy champions in range) and the status bar will display Ionian Fervor's buff.
  • Ionian Fervor does not reduce the duration of Airborne icon displacements or Suppression icon suppression.
  • Ionian Fervor's tenacity stacks multiplicatively with other sources of tenacity.


Bladesurge old

Active: Irelia dashes to the target enemy, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects.

Physical Damage:
20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 (+ 120% AD)

If Bladesurge kills its target, it refunds 35 mana and resets its cooldown.

  • Bladesurge will only allow Irelia to dash through walls if there is enough space for her on the other side.
  • Damage is not dealt to the target if Irelia is disrupted before she reaches their location.
    • But the damage cannot be dodged via instant displacement (Urchin Strike Urchin Strike)
    • If the target dies within a very short time (~0.5 seconds) of performing Bladesurge its cooldown will still refresh.

Hiten Style

Hiten Style

Passive: Irelia's basic attacks heal her.

5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13
Hiten Style 2

Active: Irelia's basic attacks deal bonus true damage and double Hiten Style's healing for 6 seconds.

Bonus True Damage:
15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75
Enhanced Healing:
10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26

  • Hiten Style does not have a cast time and does not interrupt Irelia's movement.
  • Hiten Style's true damage does not affect structures but the passive healing does.
  • The on-hit healing is not lost while Hiten Style is on cooldown.

Equilibrium Strike

Equilibrium Strike

Active: Irelia pierces the target enemy, dealing them magic damage and Slow icon slowing them by 60% for a duration.

Magic Damage:
80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 50% AP)
Disable Duration:
1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2

If her percentile health is equal to or less than her target's, she Stun icon stuns them instead.

  • Equilibrium Strike has a cast time and does interrupt Irelia's movement.

Transcendent Blades

Transcendent Blades

Active: Irelia summons 4 spirit blades and fires one in a line towards the cursor, dealing physical damage to all enemies it passes through.

Physical Damage Per Blade:
80 / 120 / 160 (+ 70% bonus AD) (+ 50% AP)
Total Physical Damage:
320 / 480 / 640 (+ 280% bonus AD) (+ 200% AP)
Transcendent Blades 2

Transcendent Blades can then be cast 3 more times at no additional cost to fire each of Irelia's remaining blades, incurring a 0.5 seconds delay in between each cast.

Each blade heals Irelia for 25% of the damage it deals to enemy champions, and 10% of the damage it deals to enemy minions and monsters.

  • Once active Irelia has 10 seconds to use all four charges before Transcendent Blades goes on cooldown, or does so immediately if all four blades have been used before the duration expires.
    • All activations of Transcendent Blades have no cast time and do not interrupt Irelia's movement.
      • Each one counts as a trigger for the purposes of Spellblade.

Previous Quotes[]

Champion Select[]









Co-op vs. AI Responses[]

Match Start

  • "I fight for Ionia!"

Player Team Victory

  • "We defended to the last!"

Player Team Defeat

  • "GG!"

Previous Splash Art[]

See also[]
