attendance allowance

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attendance allowance

A tax-free benefit provided by the UK government for people over age 65 with physical and/or mental disability severe enough to require help with self-care or ambulation. While approval of an AA is often slow, special rules apply for those with progressive disease (cancer, multiple sclerosis) who are not expected to live for more than 6 months, for whom an AA is granted in less than 6 months.
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The 73-year-old claimed 50 other peers were doing the same - after he was caught collecting a PS300 a day attendance allowance for spending as little as 21 minutes in Parliament.
It is the government in London, not the Assembly, that wants to abolish attendance allowance for the disabled.
In fact, take up of DLA and AA is well on the increase, with a respective 26% and 12% rise in Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance over the last five years,and 5% and 3% in the last 12 months alone.''
THE following information is likely to leave many disabled, elderly infirm people feeling insecure and stressed, with the UK government proposing to change the way the Attendance Allowance is to be paid to claimants.
Compare that with the welfare reform green paper being pushed through Parliament by the Department of Health led by Andy Burnham, pictured, where one proposal is the abolition of attendance allowance, disability allowance, disability living allowance and the carer's allowance.
"Within the UK context, old people having problems looking after themselves get an attendance allowance for home help.
Age Concern is running the centre and will offer advice on attendance allowance, pensions and reputable tradesmen in the area.
The applicant must also have certain disability benefits in payment, for example Incapacity Benefit or Attendance Allowance. If the application is successful, your father would be exempted from the charge if he lives alone, or a discount could be possible if there is someone else living with him.
Benefits that older people miss out on include Pension Credit, Housing Benefit,Council Tax Benefit or non means-tested cash such as Attendance Allowance.
Figures show that fewer elderly people in the county claim attendance allowance than nationally or in neighbouring areas - and the Northumberland Care Trust wants to ensure that people are not missing out.
He made the call after statistics showed that fewer people in Northumberland claim for attendance allowance and other benefits.