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Category filter:
AAAlcoholics Anonymous
AABattery Size
AAAssociate in Arts (degree)
AAAmerican Airlines
AAUSDA Grade for Dairy Products and Eggs
AAAlcohol Abuse
AAAutomobile Association (England)
AAAna (Greek: the same amount each)
AAAmerican Association (AAA baseball league)
AAAs Above
AAArchitectural Association (London, England)
AAAthletic Association
AAAdvertising Agency
AAAsian American
AABra Size
AAAffirmative Action
AAAdministrative Assistant
AAAmino Acid
AAAtomic Absorption
AAAnn Arbor (Michigan)
AAAction-Adventure (movie genre)
AAAppropriate Action
AAAlto Adige (Italian region)
AAArmed Forces Americas
AAAcademy Award(s)
AAAlumni Association
AAAddicts Anonymous
AAAll Aboard (IBM model railroad interface)
AAAffected Area
AAAero Asahi (Japan)
AAAsking Alexandria (band)
AAAcrylic Acid
AAAce Attorney (video game)
AAAggravated Assault
AAAnaheim Angels (major league baseball team)
AAAsset Allocation
AAAlopecia Areata
AAAnne Arundel (Maryland county)
AAAir Ambulance
AAAllergic Asthma
AAAir Assault
AAAcetic Acid
AAAplastic Anemia
AAAlzheimer's Association
AAAmerican Anthropologist (organization/newsletter)
AAAustrian Airlines
AAAttendance Allowance (UK housing subsidy)
AAAcute Appendicitis
AAAlaska-Anchorage (University of Alaska Anchorage)
AAArachidonic Acid
AAAmerican Anthropology (scientific group)
AAAuto Assault
AAAttitude Adjustment (Alcoholics Anonymous)
AAArchitecture d'Aujourd'hui (French: Architecture Today; magazine)
AAAcronym Attic
AAArthur Andersen (consulting firm)
AAAdjustment Assistance
AAAdministrative Agency (various organizations)
AAAdverse Action
AAAmerican Aviation
AAAssociate Administrator
AAAssistant Administrator
AAAustralian Army
AAAlleged Assault
AAAlcoa Aluminum (stock symbol)
AAAuswärtiges Amt (Exterior Office)
AAAnsel Adams (photographer)
AAAll After
AAAmerica's Army (US Army computer game)
AAAirborne Alert
AAAnaplastic Astrocytoma (brain tumor)
AAActive Army
AAAviation Archive (publication)
AAArmy Ants
AAAxis & Allies (game)
AAActinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans (bacteria)
AAAnonymous Access (3GPP)
AAAldosterone Antagonist
AAAdult Adoptee (adoptions)
AAAccess Authorization
AAAdvertising Association
AAAmerican Antiquity (publication)
AAAnalysis and Applications (mathematics)
AAAlternate Assessment
AAAlbuquerque Academy (New Mexico)
AAAlternate Advancement (EverQuest gaming)
AAAngle of Attack
AAAbdominal Aorta
AAAmon Amarth (band)
AAAluminum Association
AAAll Advantage
AAAuthoritative Answer (DNS)
AAAppropriate Authority
AAAppointing Authority
AAAir Army
AAAo Ano (Per Year; Brazil)
AAAccumulated Amortization (accounting)
AAAdministrative Assistance (Congress)
AAAdvanced Alloy
AAAngels & Airwaves (band)
AAAnimal Aid
AAAcetic Anhydride
AAAgent Agreement
AAAlgorithmic Architecture
AAAdministrative Authority
AAAction Aid (UK)
AAAutomated Attendant
AAAdvanced Airway
AAAttack Attack! (band)
AAAnxiety Attack
AAAir Attache
AAAssembly Area
AAAudio Adrenaline (band)
AAArithmetic Average
AAActs of the Apostles (bible)
AAAir Armament
AAAirman Apprentice (USN paygrade E-2)
AAAuto Aim (gaming)
AAAnonyma Alkoholister (Sweden)
AAAnti-Armor (US DoD)
AAAdvancement Act of 1995
AAAircraft Availability (global performance indicator)
AAAUSCERT Advisory (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team)
AAAgent Aika (anime character)
AAAffordability Assessment
AAAlzheimer's Australia
AAAdvanced Academy
AAAffordability Analysis
AAActivation Analysis
AAAerolineas Argentina
AAAir Advisor
AAAd Acta
AAAnalysis of Alternatives
AAAnsett Airways (Australia)
AAApproving Authority
AAArnold Arboretum (Harvard University)
AAArn Anderson (pro wrestler)
AAAcute Abdomen
AAAnders And
AAAssociative Arrays (PERL programming)
AAAdministrative Associate
AAAvenue of Approach
AAAnonyme Alkoholikere (Alcoholics Anonymous)
AAAhavath Achim (Synagogue)
AAActivity Area
AAAndrei Arshavin (Russian soccer player)
AAAccount Administrator
AAAndecha Astur (Asturian Nationalist Party)
AAAirfield Assault
AAAcquisition Activities
AAAssistance Administration
AAAromatic Amine (chemical for industrial crop production)
AAActive Application
AAApplication Activity
AAAdministering Agency (DOL)
AAAku Ankka (Finnish: Donald Duck)
AAAberdeen Area (Maryland)
AAAthletics Australia
AAAverage Audience
AAAttainment Area (EPA)
AAAtlanto-Axial (joint)
AAAnadolu Ajansi (Turkish News Agency)
AAAttack Assessment
AAAutomatic Answer
AAAttribute Authority
AAAcademic Administrator
AAAcadémie d'Architecture (French: Academy of Architecture)
AAAmy Acker (actress)
AAAxis of Advance
AAAustere Academy (Lemony Snicket)
AAAdios Amigo
AAAccreditation Authority
AAApproval Action
AAArboricultural Association (Hampshire, England)
AAAsian Avenue (website)
AAApplication Administrator
AAAuthorized Absence
AAAssistant Administration
AAArithmetical Average
AAAnchor Assembly
AAAbsent All (day; attendance record)
AAAdvantage Agreement (SprintPCS contract)
AAActing Appointment
AAAcupuncture Analgesia
AAAdult Accompaniment (film ratings)
AAAspect Angle (aviation)
AAAutomatic Approach
AAAvro Arrow (aviation)
AAAssociate in Accounting
AAAntiquities Authority
AAAdaptive Array
AAAdministrative Arrangement
AAAssignment Area (Census)
AAAlways Afloat (shipping)
AAAbsolute Altitude
AAApplied Aerodynamics (course)
AAAccounting Authority (INMARSAT)
AAAdvanced Agreement
AAAmbulance Assistant (emergency services)
AAAlsthom Atlantique (French electric company)
AAAltered Attitude (Alcoholics Anonymous slang)
AAAlert Areas
AAAmerican Atheists, Inc.
AAAmazing Assist (golf swing trainer)
AAApplication Association
AAAblative Absolute
AAAuthor's Alteration
AAAmount Administered
AAAbsolute Abstinence (Alcoholics Anonymous)
AAArea of Action
AAAchievement Age
AAAvian Adventures (bird products)
AAAcronym Abuse
AAAnatomical Adaptation
AAAncient Adena (Lineage 2 game)
AAAchieved Availability
AAAcquisition Agent
AAArrival Angle
AAAutomated Auction
AAAllah Akhbar (Arabic: God is Great)
AAAudit Agent
AAAptitude Area
AAAmstrad Action (Amstrad CPC magazine)
AAAdventurers Anonymous (Alcoholic Anonymous slang)
AAArchery Australia
AAAardvarks Anonymous (comedy group)
AAAuthorized Allowance
AAApproximate Absolute (temperature scale)
AAArithmetic Accuracy
AAAmplitude of Accommodation (ophthalmology)
AAApproved Apparatus
AAAbort Accept (ITU-T)
AAApplicant Assistance (DHS/FEMA)
AAassessment agent
AAAbbreviated Analysis
AAAnesthesiologist's Assistant
AAAmiga Anywhere
AAAdvices of Allowance
AAAcademy of Aphasia
AAAcadia Axemen (Acadia Junior High School)
AAAntiochian Archdiocese (United States Eastern Orthodox Church subordinate to the Patriarch of Antioch)
AAAccountable Area
AAAtrophia Areata
AAArgentum Astrum (Aleister Crowley's Mystical Fraternity)
AAApe Alliance
AAActive Adjunct (Sonar)
AAAdministering Area (California Governor's Office of Emergency Services)
AAAgility Addicts (UK dog agility club)
AAArsenal do Alfeite (Portuguese: Arsenal of Alfeite)
AAAutomatic Adjust
AAAlter Aeon (online role playing game)
AAAccountable Activity (US DoD)
AAAustrian Alliance (gaming clan)
AAAssociazione Allievi (Allievi Association, Italy)
AAAmarillo Area Office (US DoE)
AAAngle Angle Similarity Postulate (geometry)
AAAnn Arbor Railroad Company (Michigan)
AAAxillary Arch (area near the shoulder)
AAAnderson Analytics, LLC
AAAmigos en Acción (Spanish)
AAAcadémie d'Alsace
AAAccredited in Accountancy
AAAdam's Army
AAAnnulus Air
AAAutos Anciennes Garage (French automotive repair company)
AAAiming Algorithm
AAAccelerated Academics
AAAlt Advancement (gaming rank promotion)
AAArmature Accelerator
AAAllied Affairs
AAAutomatic Associator
AAAlerting Authority
AAAnal Aneurysm
AAAttenuation Adaptivity
AAAnarchists of America
AAAdvise of Allotment
AAAmerican Annex
AAArmies in the Atlantic (used with APO/FPO)
AAStock and Bond Rating
AAAugustinians of the Assumption, Assumptionists (religious)
AAAudits and Assessment Office
AAAlternate/Alternative Analysis
AAAsesoría Automotriz (Guatemala car dealership)
AAAgjencia e Akreditimit (Accredition Agency, Albania)
AAAkbar and Aleem Associates Planners & Consulting Engineers (Pakistan)
AAArlington Annex Building (Virginia)
AASecond Highest Level of Division I College Athletics (United States)
AAIntermediate Level of League (minor league baseball)
AAAbsorption Développement Atomique (French: atomic absorption)
AAANDVT (Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal) Airterm (US DoD)
AAAgglutination Anticyclonique
AANo sickle-cell Anemia (allele rendering; no sickling gene)
Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
RNIB helped one 75-year-old woman increase her retirement pension and income support from pounds 72.70 each week to pounds 150.35, by claiming an attendance allowance of pounds 34.30 she was able to claim higher rates of pension and income support.
The brazen baron has been called before the Privileges and Conduct Committee after being exposed by the Mirror over a "clock-in, clockout" scam to claim his attendance allowance. Sleaze watchdogs were said to be stunned when he attempted to justify his actions by saying he needed the cash to hire a man to look after his hens while he was in Westminster.
Northumberland County Council is giving pounds 6,000 to Age UK to help make sure elderly people know how to claim entitlement to Attendance Allowance.
Labour is attempting to end attendance allowance to pay for free home care in England.
It has nothing to do with child benefit, attendance allowance, disability living allowance, income support, carers allowance, job seekers allowance, pension credit or even the carers allowance, yet the politicians claim they will have to make some tough decisions.
But he added most of the cost could be covered if Westminster brought back pounds 30million a year in attendance allowance for Scottish OAPs in care homes.
There are several men who have been with the company through at least one of these changes, and they are all effectively on a better rate of pay than me because they get an attendance allowance which was not offered to me when I started.
Benefits experts from the three organisations will be on hand to offer advice and encourage borough residents with disabilities to claim attendance allowance or disability living allowance and related benefits.
It relates to unclaimed disability benefits of Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance by people diagnosed with terminal cancer.
So is his argument that he carries out work outside of Parliament as he has claimed for an attendance allowance.
Councillors claim around pounds 15 to pounds 20 in attendance allowance and expenses.