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"Now this was written not only on account of him, that is, 'it was reckoned to him,' but also on account of us to whom it is going to be reckoned, to those who believe on the one who resurrected Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses and was resurrected because of our acquittal." (4) In the very next verse (5:1) Paul proceeds to draw the consequences, "Therefore, being justified [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.], we have peace towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (5) Accordingly, the phrase [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.] is especially linked to Abraham, the grand patriarch of Israel, and it indicates the basis of his relationship to God and attendantly his justification by God.
Scored for what is almost a 'pit band' in its make-up and timbre (including former CBSO associate leader Paul Willey), with its attendantly dubious intonation, they will strike many as decidedly naff.
Part 3 brings Michael Davidson's "Compulsory Homosociality: Charles Olson, Jack Spicer, and the Gender of Poetics," an eye-opening critique of the stubborn homosocial (and attendantly homophobic) impulses that, lurking behind the mask of poetic Freedom and sexual liberation, continue to perform the gendered operations of control and exclusion; and Jane C.