(redirected from Attendance Review Board)
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ARBAir Resources Board (US EPA)
ARBAdministrative Review Board (US DoL)
ARBAir Reserve Base
ARBAnti-Roll Bar
ARBAngiotensin Receptor Blocker (hypertension drug)
ARBArbitrary Waveform Generator (electronic test equipment)
ARBArchitecture Review Board
ARBArbitron (Music, formerly American Research Bureau)
ARBArchives and Rare Books (various organizations)
ARBAngiotensin II Receptor Blocker
ARBAccounting Research Bulletins
ARBAutomated Recurring Billing (merchant solution)
ARBAddress Resolution Buffer
ARBApplication Ready Buffer
ARBAddress Reorder Buffer
ARBAdaptive Rate Based Congestion Control
ARBanti Roll Bar
ARBAnti-Rust Bearings (various companies)
ARBAmerican Repertory Ballet (Princeton, New Jersey)
ARBAmanah Raya Berhad
ARBArab Reform Bulletin (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
ARBAttack Reconnaissance Battalion
ARBAmerican Research Bureau
ARBArmee Revolutionnaire Bretonne (French: Breton Revolutionary Army)
ARBAdaptive Rate Based
ARBAcquisition Review Board
ARBAlternate Recovery Base (US DoD)
ARBAttendance Review Board
ARBAcadémie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (French: Royal Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts of Belgium; Belgium)
ARBAcademic Review Board
ARBArchitect's Registration Board (UK)
ARBBattle Damage Repair Ship
ARBAssessment Resource Bank
ARBAssign Receive Bypass Lists (US DoD)
ARBAdvertising Review Board
ARBAnomaly Review Board
ARBAutodesk Revit Building
ARBApplication Review Board
ARBAssociation des Amis de Robert Brasillach (French: Association of Friends of Robert Brasillach; Switzerland)
ARBArmored Reconnaissance Battalion (US Army and Marine Corps)
ARBAsset Recovery Business
ARBAwards and Recognition Board (Canada)
ARBAutomatic Reading and Billing
ARBAccreditation Review Board
ARBArtificial Recognition Ball
ARBArmy Resume Builder (US Army)
ARBAssociation des Réseaux Bronchiolite (French: Bronchiolitis Networks Association)
ARBArmored Rifle Battalion
ARBAccident Report Book
ARBAllegation Review Board
ARBAdvisory Review Board
ARBAccommodation Review Board
ARBArmy Resource Board
ARBAward Review Board (government contracting)
ARBAward Review Board
ARBAircraft Review Board
ARBAnalysis Review Board
ARBAccounting Review Bulletin (GAAP)
ARBAsociación de Radio Banda (Radio Band Association, Guatemala)
ARBArtisans Réunis du Bois (French: Gathered Wood Craftsmen)
ARBAnomaly Response Board
ARBAmerican Royal Barbecue
ARBAgno River Basin (Philippines)
ARBAudit Resolution Branch (US Department of Education)
ARBAccess-Related Bacteremia (infection)
ARBAlternate Reconstitution Bases
ARBAnn Arbor, Michigan - Municipal (airport code)
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