ATTACAssociation for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens (international political group)
ATTACAction pour une Taxe Tobin d'Aide aux Citoyens
ATTACAvailability Transformation: Tornado Aircraft Contract (UK MoD)
ATTACAction pour la Taxation des Transactions Financieres pour l'Aide aux Citoyens (Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Benefit of Citizens)
ATTACAssociatief Netwerk voor een Taks op Financiële Transacties en Voor Het Aansterken van de Civiele Maatschappij
ATTACAmerican Textile Trade Action Coalition
ATTACAssociação para a Taxação das Transacções Financeiras para Ajuda ao Cidadão (Portugal)
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References in periodicals archive ?
But Attac as a political actor is helpless against takeovers in general.
A KNIFEMAN targeted a discount store in a terror attac k.
Mark McAusland 7 Stood firm against Celtic's waves of attac k.
NO STRINGS ATTAC A HED (BBC One, Wednesday, 11.15pm, regions vary) NAT AT A A TA T LIE Portman and Ashton Kutcher play two friends who both have a highly cynical view of relationships and marriage.
ATTAC TT K victim Alan Barnes said receiving PS330,000 from well-wishers was "like a fairy story" as he officially received the cheque from the beautician who set up the online fund.
49 For the Saltbur born defender was much more than tha "He was an attac ing full-back before his time," said Brian Clough of Hardwick.
-" Jordan has won two man-of-the-match awards, to Buttler's one, in the one-day international series - and is already top of many lists to join a Test attac led by James Anderson and a fit-again Stuart Broad.
She was accompanied by several other French and German members of the EP - Gilles Pargneaux (S&D, France), Liem Hoang-Ngoc (Greens-EFA, France), Udo Bullmann (S&D, Germany), Sven Giegold (Greens-EFA, Germany), Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE-NGL, France) - and by representatives of various trade unions, associations and NGOs: Bernadette Segol (European Trade Union Confederation), Dominique Pilhon (Attac France), Peter Wahl (Attac Germany) and Alexandre Naulot (Oxfam France).
The United States, Britain and France blame Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces for the chemical attac k, which occurred east of Damascus on August 21.
Wouldn't you love to be a fly on die wall if Kim Jong-un manages to watch diis blockbuster in which his own Nordi Koreans attac Washington DC, blow up half of the White House, capture the president and hold him to ransom in the basement?
Des lors, l'association francaise Attac (Association pour la taxation des transactions financieres et pour l'action citoyenne) releve que le FSM se doit de faire le lien entre ces mouvements concomitants dans les pays du Nord et ceux du Sud afin de trouver des "alternatives" au modele neo-liberal.