attach a file

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attach a file

To link a file to an email message so that they travel together to their destination. File attachments are a very common way of sending a file to someone. See email attachment and how to transfer a file over the Internet.
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References in classic literature ?
But I am particularly attached to these young men, and know them to be so much attached to me!
I cannot let you continue in your error; and yet, perhaps, since my manners gave such an impression, I have as much reason to be ashamed of confessing that I never have been at all attached to the person we are speaking of, as it might be natural for a woman to feel in confessing exactly the reverse.
"I have no doubt of their being happy together," said Emma; "I believe them to be very mutually and very sincerely attached."
By means of a secondary tackle I had attached to the shears, I swung the boom to a nearly perpendicular position, then lowered the butt to the deck, where, to prevent slipping, I spiked great cleats around it.
He will not fail, therefore, to set a due value on any plan which, without violating the principles to which he is attached, provides a proper cure for it.
They will now see what sort of woman it is that can attach me, that can attach a man of sense.
After a short pause, Catherine resumed with, "Then you do not believe Isabella so very much attached to my brother?"
Dame Aloise de Gondelaurier, a rich and noble woman, who held by the hand a pretty girl about five or six years of age, and dragged a long veil about, suspended to the golden horn of her headdress, halted as she passed the wooden bed, and gazed for a moment at the wretched creature, while her charming little daughter, Fleur-de-Lys de Gondelaurier, spelled out with her tiny, pretty finger, the permanent inscription attached to the wooden bed: "Foundlings."
To make the jacket sit yet more close to the body, it was gathered at the middle by a broad leathern belt, secured by a brass buckle; to one side of which was attached a sort of scrip, and to the other a ram's horn, accoutred with a mouthpiece, for the purpose of blowing.
Aramis led Porthos into the last but one compartment, and showed him, in a hollow of the rocky wall, a barrel of powder weighing from seventy to eighty pounds, to which he had just attached a fuse.
Mainwaring she gave jealousy and wretchedness to his wife, and by her attentions to a young man previously attached to Mr.
I venture, therefore, to propose that a small bell be procured, and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the Cat.