attach to (something)

(redirected from attach ourselves to)

attach to (something)

To connect two things. In this usage, an item can be mentioned between "attach" and "to." Can you please attach this button to my sweater? Please be sure to attach a cover page to your report. Mom, the teacher said that the check needs to be attached to our permission slip!
See also: attach, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

attach oneself to someone

1. Fig. to become emotionally involved with someone. Fred seems to have attached himself to a much older woman, who has captured his attention. Somehow, Susan has attached herself emotionally to Tom, and she is distraught over his being away.
2. Fig. to follow after someone; to become a constant companion to someone. Andy's little brother attached himself to Andy and his friends—much to Andy's distress. John attached himself to his older brother and drove him crazy.
See also: attach, to

attach oneself to something

1. Lit. to connect or secure oneself to something. During the storm, Tony attached himself to the helm and proceeded to steer the boat. The caterpillar attached itself to a branch and began to spin its cocoon.
2. Fig. to choose to associate with a particular thing, group, or organization. Ron attached himself to a volleyball team that practices at the school. The manager attached himself to the luncheon club and became a regular fixture there.
See also: attach, to

attach to someone

Fig. [for blame, importance, guilt, fault, etc.] to become "fixed" onto someone or an organization. A lot of guilt attaches to Henry for his part in the plot. Most of the blame for the accident attaches to Roger.
See also: attach, to

attach to something

[for something] to be meant to fit onto or into something. This one attaches to this other one right at this point. This part should have attached to the back of the desk, but it didn't fit.
See also: attach, to

attached to someone or something

1. Lit. connected to someone or something. The patient has a tube attached to his arm. A little shelf is attached to the wall.
2. Fig. fond of someone or something. John is really attached to his old-fashioned ideas. I'm really attached to my longtime girlfriend.
See also: attached, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

attach to

1. To fasten or secure something to something: The electrician attached the wires to the socket. The carpenter attached the knobs to the cabinet doors.
2. To adhere, belong, or relate to something: It is not a very difficult job, and not much responsibility attaches to it.
3. To affix or append something to something: I attached all of my receipts to my spending report.
4. To ascribe or assign some quality to something: Several ambassadors said they would walk out of the meeting, but our officials attached no significance to the threat.
5. To associate closely with someone or something: I quickly attached myself to the chess club when I started school.
6. To be bound emotionally to someone or something: I'm still attached to that old sweater I used to wear in high school.
See also: attach, to
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
The findings suggest that the basic mental processes governing our ability to switch between different concepts and tasks are linked to the intensity with which we attach ourselves to political doctrines - regardless of the ideology.
'We must think about our workforce when developing our country without having to attach ourselves to deals with whoever.
"To save the country, Sanatana has to be saved and to save Sanatana, we will have to tread the path shown by sages and seers and attach ourselves to our respective Gothras.
We attach ourselves to but one club from cradle to grave regardless of a persistent lack of success as we have all had to endure in the name of Newcastle United.
We attach ourselves to but one club from cradle to grave regardless of an persistent lack of success as we have all had to endure in the name of Newcastle United.
It is not our task to attach ourselves to a certain opposition camp.
The staff-officer then lined us up and told us to attach ourselves to the first battalion we came across.
"They allow us to attach ourselves to an event or an occasion or a theme, with just a bit of personality.
The allure of the World Cup is its inclusivity so even if our country doesn't qualify, we could attach ourselves to another team by psychologically seeking temporary residency to their side.
And how might these modes of belonging demonstrate the cruel optimism, as Lauren Berlant puts it, with which we attach ourselves to promises of future happiness via institutions and practices that diminish us?
to aim to become a freestanding program rather than attach ourselves to
Who are we, how do we de-fine ourselves, with whom do we have something in common - and how do we attach ourselves to others around us?
As long as we attach ourselves to public health, we make it more difficult to enlist public understanding of what environmental health actually is.