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Related to attaché: cultural attache

attach (oneself) to (someone or something)

1. To connect oneself to something. Please be sure to attach yourself to your luggage at the airport. Have you attached yourself to the boat? OK, let's go jet skiing! First and foremost, you all need to attach yourselves to your life preservers.
2. To involve oneself with another person or group. I heard that Jon has attached himself to a new lady—is that true? Teddy has attached himself to the drama club this semester. I don't trust that side of the family, that's why I don't attach myself to them.
3. To involve oneself with another person or group in an overbearing way. I hope my little cousins don't try to come with us—they're always attaching themselves to me, and it's so annoying. Can you please talk to Aunt Betty for a while? She's attached herself to me all day, and I can't take much more of her. Any time I go out, these chatty guys always attach themselves to me, ugh.
See also: attach, to

attach to (something)

To connect two things. In this usage, an item can be mentioned between "attach" and "to." Can you please attach this button to my sweater? Please be sure to attach a cover page to your report. Mom, the teacher said that the check needs to be attached to our permission slip!
See also: attach, to

attached to (someone or something)

To have an emotional connection to someone or something. This usage always uses the form "attached." I really miss my ex-boyfriend at Christmastime—I guess I'm still attached to him after all. I'm pretty attached to the idea of a tropical vacation—I've even been picturing myself on the beach! I tried to give away my daughter's childhood teddy bear, but apparently she's still quite attached to it.
See also: attached, to
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