atomic cocktail

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atomic cocktail

1. In medicine, a liquid solution that contains one or more radioactive elements, which is swallowed orally and used in the diagnosis or treatment of disorders, especially cancer and diseases of the thyroid. We are just going to administer a sort of atomic cocktail to track the disease's progress. That way, we can better gauge what course of action to take. I had to regularly take this weird atomic cocktail after I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. This atomic cocktail allows us to administer a dose of the radioactive substance directly to the tumor.
2. An alcoholic drink composed of vodka, brandy, champagne, and sherry. Created in Las Vegas, Nevada, and named after the nuclear tests conducted in the state during the 1950s. Barkeep, I want something that will knock my socks off. Fix me an atomic cocktail! Whew, that's strong. That's one heck of an atomic cocktail! I need to get out of here—I know I'll be in trouble if I have another of those atomic cocktails!
See also: atomic, cocktail
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