References in periodicals archive ?
"It's no longer a question of if an organization will be the victim of a ransomware attack, but when.
In March 2013, Spamhaus suffered from the largest DDoS attack to date.
The examination of attack properties without the real execution of DoS attacks can be done using different modelling methods and tools.
"The level of automation in cyber attacks continues to shock us.
The low cost of DDoS-as-hire makes such attacks one of the most affordable cyberweapons for evil competitors or internet trolls.
She said Qurium Media Foundation has been mitigating the attacks since Jan.
The province of Balochistan was hit by eleven suicide attacks last year, in which 212 people were killed, including 24 security forces personnel,12 militants, and 176 civilians, while 332 were injured which includes 49 security forces personnel and 283 civilians.In Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 4 suicide attacks caused 38 deaths, in which 12 security forces personnel, 4 militants, and 22 civilians were dead and 91 were among injured, in which 70 civilians and 21 security forces personnel.
A study conducted by Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies showed that the security situation significantly improved in the year as the number of attacks, resultant deaths as well as injuries declined by 45pc, 37pc and 49pc, respectively, compared to 2017.
Terrorist attack on civilian and security officials at Chalas, August 2013
Attack on Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) office Multan,
Terrorist attack on four Special Services Group (SSG) soldiers,including two officers, April 2009 (one terrorist executed).
ISLAMABAD -- At least 63 people were killed and 73 injured in 21 militant attacks in November including attack on Chinese Consulate in Karachi, says Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS).