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ATTACHE. Connected with, attached to. This word is used to signify those persons who are attached to a foreign legation. An attache is a public minister within the meaning of the Act of April 30, 1790, s. 37, 1 Story's L. U. S. 89, which protects from violence "the person of an ambassador or other public minister." 1 Bald. 240 Vide 2 W. C. C. R. 205; 4 W. C. C. R. 531; 1 Dall. 117; 1 W. C. C. R. 232; 4 Dall. 321. Vide Ambassador; Consul; Envoy; Minister.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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Prince Khalid praised the military attache's services to the military and civilian trainees and the Saudi military delegations and their efforts to enhance relations between the two friendly countries.
Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto on Thursday urged the government to prioritize the hiring of more social welfare attaches to respond to distressed overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).
Delivering the keynote address of the ceremony, Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana further said that although these officers receive a comprehensive training in their relevant field, when serving abroad as Defence Attaches they are exposed to a new climate of work.
.0487804878049 Thank you to the labor attache who denounced work/study J1 visas as slavery.
The post Cyprus to appoint military attache to Washington appeared first on Cyprus Mail .
The cultural attache bureau continuously communicates with scholarship students to provide them with all the required support so that they achieve their coveted goals, and return to their homeland equipped with the latest science, knowledge and technology expertise to further contribute to Saudi Arabia's progress and prosperity.
Chinese ambassador Yao Jing and defence attache Maj Gen Chen Wenrong hosted a large reception at Marriott Hotel in Islamabad to mark the 91st anniversary of the Founding Day of the Chinese Liberation Army.
Peron was elected president of Argentina in June of 1946, and within one month, he had launched a worker attache program that took rank-and-file workers from factories and workplaces across Argentina, hastily trained them, and launched them into the Foreign Service.
Saudi Gazette reported that Samar Saleh is the first woman to be appointed as commercial attache. This step comes within the ministry's policy to empower Saudi women.
'The name of the attache will be officially announced later.
Bello II confirmed he issued the recall order for Jalilo dela Torre based on the recommendation of the team he sent to Hong Kong to probe the complaints filed against the labor attache.