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to arrest or take a person or property with lawful authority; see ATTACHMENT.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

TO ATTACH, crim. law, practice. To an attachment for contempt for the non- take or apprehend by virtue of the order of a writ or precept, commonly called an attachment. It differs from an arrest in this, that he who arrests a man, takes him to a person of higher power to be disposed of; but be who attaches, keeps the party attached, according to the exigency of his writ, and brings him into court oh the day assigned. Kitch. 279; Bract. lib. 4; Fleta, lib. 5, c. 24; 17 S. & R. 199.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
The bench asked why were the relevant documents not attached with the reply submitted by the authority?
In addition, with Direct Attach, Extreme Networks eliminates the server-based virtual switch, thus reducing the number of switching elements by orders of magnitude as well as reducing the challenge of managing different virtual switch implementations being offered in the market.
(a) Moving expenses: Complete Form 3903, Moving Expenses, and attach to the return.
Attach a hanger using thick gauge wire; make it large enough to be found once the wreath is decorated.
"They couldn't attach anything to the tree with nails," says Peter Olin, a University of Minnesota horticulture professor and director of the Arboretum.
"Some yards don't process enough material to have two machines," Palvere says, making a quick attach system a good way to maximize the potential of a yard's existing equipment.
Solution: Review the checklist of "What to Attach" in the Form 1045 instructions.
The front suspension is a short and long arm design with a high upper A-arms (which places the upper ball joint above the tires), and the lateral lower links and tension struts attach to the steering knuckle via separate ball joints.
In lieu of form 8332, the noncustodial parent may attach a written declaration conforming to the substance of form 8332.
SoftBase Systems Inc., Asheville, N.C., a developer of software tools for DB2 mainframes, has announced the patent pending status of its Variable Commit Frequency technology a new feature in the company's oldest and most established software package Database Attach (DBA).
Attach the seat slide (D) across the bottom and flush with the outside edge of the slide support (F).