attached to (someone or something)

(redirected from attach myself to)

attached to (someone or something)

To have an emotional connection to someone or something. This usage always uses the form "attached." I really miss my ex-boyfriend at Christmastime—I guess I'm still attached to him after all. I'm pretty attached to the idea of a tropical vacation—I've even been picturing myself on the beach! I tried to give away my daughter's childhood teddy bear, but apparently she's still quite attached to it.
See also: attached, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

attach oneself to someone

1. Fig. to become emotionally involved with someone. Fred seems to have attached himself to a much older woman, who has captured his attention. Somehow, Susan has attached herself emotionally to Tom, and she is distraught over his being away.
2. Fig. to follow after someone; to become a constant companion to someone. Andy's little brother attached himself to Andy and his friends—much to Andy's distress. John attached himself to his older brother and drove him crazy.
See also: attach, to

attach oneself to something

1. Lit. to connect or secure oneself to something. During the storm, Tony attached himself to the helm and proceeded to steer the boat. The caterpillar attached itself to a branch and began to spin its cocoon.
2. Fig. to choose to associate with a particular thing, group, or organization. Ron attached himself to a volleyball team that practices at the school. The manager attached himself to the luncheon club and became a regular fixture there.
See also: attach, to

attached to someone or something

1. Lit. connected to someone or something. The patient has a tube attached to his arm. A little shelf is attached to the wall.
2. Fig. fond of someone or something. John is really attached to his old-fashioned ideas. I'm really attached to my longtime girlfriend.
See also: attached, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
Yet some whim or other led me, on remarking that the red had come up consecutively for seven times, to attach myself to that colour.
And then, her reserveI never could attach myself to any one so completely reserved."
I have encountered misfortune in a high place, a royal misfortune, a European misfortune; I attach myself to it.
To attach myself to your sister, therefore, was not a thing to be thought of;--and with a meanness, selfishness, cruelty-- which no indignant, no contemptuous look, even of yours, Miss Dashwood, can ever reprobate too much--I was acting in this manner, trying to engage her regard, without a thought of returning it.--But one thing may be said for me: even in that horrid state of selfish vanity, I did not know the extent of the injury I meditated, because I did not THEN know what it was to love.
I had not considered that my excessive intimacy must have its danger of ill consequence in many ways; and that I had no right to be trying whether I could attach myself to either of the girls, at the risk of raising even an unpleasant report, were there no other ill effects.
At first, seeing Astaire dance elicits "a wonderful lightness in my body, a ridiculous happiness." This reverie loops back and catches her: "A truth was being revealed to me: that I had always tried to attach myself to the light of other people, that I had never had any light of my own.
I was born a Christian but as I've grown into my own man I don't attach myself to a religion; 100 per cent I have faith.
'Clockwork Angel' made it so easy for me to instantly attach myself to the characters, so much so that I couldn't bear to think they were not real.
"The show is understood by audiences in the whole world not only because it is silent but also because when I arrive in anew country, I do my best to attach myself to the audience, to understand the connection and relationship with the theatre and I do my best to make it understandable to them.
As a Congressional Fellow in the 1991-92 term, I had managed to attach myself to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, chaired by Senator John Glenn.
"In the studio it would run out before the end of the day, so I have to go away to attach myself to the machine at home.