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ATTAPAlliance of Travel and Tour Agencies of Pampanga (Philippines)
ATTAPAll Things to All People
ATTAPAdvanced Turbine Technology Applications Project
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This was especially the case since wedding banquets were no longer held on the verandas of attap village homes but in hotels.
Appendix Timeline of Events 1852 Fr Ambroise Maistre arrives in Hougang 26 Aug 1857 Fr Maistre procures land at Hougang from the British East India Company to build an attap chapel, named Church of St.
The powertrain design for the ATTAP turbine (based on ceramic compoent performance and known vehicle performance) had 57.3 percent better fuel economy over the Federal Composite Driving Cycle than the 1988 Pontiac Grand Am reference vehicle.
* Work on ATTAP has focused on the development of practical ceramic components that can operate at design speeds and temperatures with acceptable durability.
However, ATTAP requires 3500 hours of durability testing.
Urban kampongs were settlements of cheap, densely-built wooden housing with attap or zinc roofs and constructed usually without planning approval.
Many large low-income families stayed in one- and two-room HDB flats which were probably as crowded as their former attap houses and shophouse cubicles.
In the early 1950s, when the SIT and City Council attempted to demolish unauthorised attap dwellings, a Chinese newspaper hailed the dwellers' resistance as akin to "'a lion's roar' from the oppressed people" (Nanyang Siang Pau 1 May 1954).