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, otto, ottar
an essential oil from flowers, esp the damask rose, used pure or as a base for perfume
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Years later in 1950, his son Raees Ahmed Ansari, who had migrated to Pakistan and settled in Karachi, opened his attar shop which became the first centre of attar sale in Karachi.
Al Attar reworks images from movie posters, film prints, and shipping and box-office receipts for popular films from South Asia, the Middle East, and Hollywood, to convey the rich intercultural movie-going traditions of theUAE.
"I think that's [Nurmagomedov] the likely opponent at this point," Attar said.
We believe in celebrating individuality, and for that reason our creations are distinctive items that can be used in several ways, allowing us to become part of legacy," said Attar, the designer behind her eponymous brand, Nadine Jewellery.
Two decades later, one of Baltaji's old neighbors directed Attar to her last known location in the southern suburb of Ouzai.
The Israeli military government refused to grant Attar a permit to accompany her daughter out of Gaza to Ramallah for the surgery, forcing the daughter to leave Gaza on Tuesday without her mother.
Dubai: Shaikh Zayed Road will continue to host the "world's tallest hotel", with the opening this week of the Gevora built by the Al Attar Group.
"We are equally excited to announce Shahd Attar as the first recipient.
Subjectivity in 'Attar, Persian Sufism, and European Mysticism
Le montant des subventions publiques pour l'annee 2016 devrait s'elever a 27,7 milliards de dollars (mds usd), dont plus de la moitie represente des subventions indirectes, selon une etude realisee par l'expert Abdelmadjid Attar. Par categorie, l'enveloppe allouee aux subventions indirectes devrait atteindre 15,3 mds usd a la fin de l'annee en cours (55,23% de l'ensemble des subventions), alors que le secteur de l'habitat aura beneficie de 4,7 mds usd (16,96%), contre 4,5 pour les familles et les produits de base (16,24%) et 3,2 pour la sante (11,55%), indique cette etude presentee lors d'une rencontre organisee, mardi dernier, par le Forum des chefs d'entreprise (FCE) sur la transition energetique en Algerie.