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YATAttawapiskat (airport designator)
YATYork Archaeological Trust (est. 1972; York, England, UK)
YATYoung Actors Theatre
YATYet Another TLA (three letter acronym)
YATYouth Against Tobacco
YATYouth Asset Team
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The students agreed to work together to raise awareness about the situation in Attawapiskat.
Ongoing differences with Attawapiskat First Nation didn't play a role in shuttering operations, said Ormsby.
The organization, which has previously worked in Attawapiskat providing song writing and videography workshops, assembled a team of leaders in music, videography and education.
(3) It is little wonder that the potential for realizing a significant "lift" from the Victor diamond mine eluded Attawapiskat. Media reports several years ago described five families living in tent frames and another 17 in sheds.
She'd tell people how it felt to Attawapiskat students to be denied good schools other kids got: "You begin to feel as if you are a child who doesn't count for anything." The students wrote letters and petitions to lawmakers.
Attawapiskat is only about 60 miles from an open-pit Victor diamond mine owned by De Beers, yet it has the unenviable distinction of being unusually poor even by the standards of aboriginal communities.
Attawapiskat, population 2,000, declared a state of emergency on Saturday.
ONTARIO, Canada (TAP) - The leaders of the Attawapiskat First Nation, an isolated Cree community in northern Ontario, Canada, have declared a state of emergency over a series of suicide attempts.
Literary Land Claims: The "Indian Land Question" From Pontiac's War to Attawapiskat
In 2008, 14-year-old Shannen Koostachin began a campaign to build a suitable school for the children of the Cree community of Attawapiskat. In 2010, tragedy struck when Shannen was killed in a car accident.