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, otto, ottar
an essential oil from flowers, esp the damask rose, used pure or as a base for perfume
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Many shopkeepers are also selling second and third quality of attars for as much as Rs500 per tola.
Owing to the inflation and devaluation of the rupee, prices of attars have increased by 10-30%.
The defense argues that the Attars did not commit criminal acts because the procedure is a protected religious rite-of-passage that does not involve cutting, but rather a scraping of the genital membrane.
District Judge Bernard Friedman, ( who freed the Attars until their Oct.
Other than the perfumeries of Kannauj mentioned in the piece, you can also buy attars from the following in Delhi and Mumbai:
He often frequented my grandmother's home, who changed her attar according to the season and always said that of all the organs, the nose creates most nostalgia.
Kannauj (Uttar Pradesh), Feb 6 (ANI): Already unable to stand to the stiff competition from modern perfumes, the indigenous perfume industry locally known as 'attar' in Kannuaj town in Uttar Pradesh is now facing the wrath of the global meltdown.
The most expensive is the `Ruh Gulab' or Rose attar, which costs over USD 300 for only half a teaspoon.
Dublin-born Mr Maccaba, aged 46, who converted to Judaism in 1990, had vehemently denied defence claims that he offered family friend Alain Attar one million dollars for his wife Nathalie and twice sexually harassed her.
Mr Maccaba said he and orthodox Jew Nathalie Attar had had a 'close, emotional attachment', which was 'reciprocal', from June 1998 until August 1999, but it was at all times 'not a physical relationship'.
The Attars, meanwhile, are believed to have gone to Israel to visit their relatives.
Bearded Dubliner Brian Maccaba planned his own version of the Robert Redford and Demi Moore blockbuster movie as he tried to win over 34-year-old teacher Nathalie Attar.