attention deficit disorder

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attention deficit disorder

[ə′ten·shən ¦def·ə·sət dis‚ȯr·dər]
A psychiatric disorder of childhood characterized by attention span problems and impulsivity.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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RELATED ARTICLE: Typical characteristics of a child with Attention Deficit Disorder
And we must remember that ADHD existed long before TV and was simply called attention deficit disorder. It's possible parents with very demanding children might be more likely to resort to using the TV as a babysitter, which could explain any perceived link.
Despite suffering mild attention deficit disorder ADHD he had a normal life.
He is obsessive compulsive, suffers from attention deficit disorder and has driven away his friends with his violent behaviour.
Every hour a youngster spends in front of the screen increases their chance of attention deficit disorder by 10 per cent.
Shire Pharmaceuticals has filed a law suit against California-based Impax Laboratories alleging a breach of patent on its Adderall XR drug which treats attention deficit disorder.
This guide explains how to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder in children and adolescents using a six-phase approach.
The syndrome, which is caused by a mutation on the X chromosome, can cause intellectual disability, attention deficit disorder and autism spectrum disorders.
Smith, 24, said: "It would have to be my book, as it's the first book I've read properly." The gymnast said he'd been a difficult kid due to his attention deficit disorder.

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