Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

(redirected from Attention Defecit Disorder)

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A condition in which a person (usually a child) has an unusually high activity level and a short attention span. People with the disorder may act impulsively and may have learning and behavioral problems.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Now in its third edition, updated with more notes and resources for parents, Learning To Slow Down And Pay Attention is a straightforward self-help book written especially for children with Attention Defecit Disorder with Hyperactivity.
After all, just how do you punish someone so young who, according to his solicitor, has also suffered from an attention defecit disorder?
Defence solicitor Mr Nicholas Walker told the court that the defendant had suffered from an attention defecit disorder and that since being treated and attending a special school he had greatly improved.

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