attempted suicide

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attempted suicide

An intentional, potentially lethal effort to complete suicide.
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Another married woman attempted suicide due to a family dispute in Murree.
officers responded to the 7200 block of Hillside for an ambulance attempted suicide. The victim was transported to a local hospital," a police spokesperson said.
"Evidence of attempted suicide is not easily analogized to evidence of guilt," Beatty wrote.
Among those without a history of mental health disorders, the first year of service was associated with sixfold higher odds of a suicide attempt (95% confidence interval, 4.7-7.7), and nearly 60% of those without a previous diagnosis who attempted suicide did so in their first year of service.
class="MsoNormalMr Owuor, who says that a treatment session for a person who attempted suicide can cost something like S6,000, agrees that the cost is often out of reach for many patients, especially those in rural areas.
We have only seen media reports regarding it being a case of attempted suicide. Muhammad Farooq, the legislator's son said on Tuesday that his mother was in stable condition and will be discharged from the hospital soon.
In a national survey of almost 16,000 youth, about 25 per cent of LBGQ teens said they had attempted suicide at least once in the previous year, compared with roughly 6 per cent of heterosexual teens, researchers report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Various factors may be associated with increased suicidal ideation, including social and familial problems (unemployment and being single), mental disorders (including substance use and alcoholism), and previous attempted suicide.2,3,7 Environmental conditions, such as social and familial problems, can affect suicide risk and since these factors may differ across countries the importance of identifying the related factors in each nation is essential.
Methods: In total, 141 participants with transgenderism were questioned using a semi-structured interview to determine whether participants had current suicidal thoughts, had a lifetime history of such thoughts, or had attempted suicide. These findings were cross-referenced to the participants' sociodemographic characteristics, and information about their families' general attitudes toward sexuality, gender identity, and commitment to religious views.
LAHORE -- A woman 'attempted suicide' by setting herself on fire in Lahore's Hanjarwal area on Saturday.
The remote northern community declared a state of emergency last Saturday after 11 of its members attempted suicide in one weekend and 28 tried to do so in March.