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a try or effort to achieve some goal.
suicide attempt a serious effort to commit suicide involving definite risk. The outcome frequently depends on circumstances alone and is not under the person's control.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
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HPT axis, CSF monoamine metabolites, suicide intent and depression severity in male suicide attempters. J Affect Disord.
Major repeaters (individuals with >5 lifetime suicide attempts) represent approximately 10% of all suicide attempters (Barnes, 1986; Bille-Brahe et al., 1996; Kreitman and Casey, 1988).
The study on suicide attempters in Portuguese public hospital refers to depression, suicidal ideation and intention, onset of major depression, namely, hopelessness, pessimism, interpersonal relations, and life events as the influential factors in suicide.
The sex-age composition of the HV group corresponded to the composition of suicide attempters in the given population (Rozanov, Zakharov, Zhuzhulenko, & Krivda, 2009).
Effectiveness of brief intervention and contact for suicide attempters: A randomized controlled trial in five countries.
Here, suicide attempts directly affect future utility via health costs and income, either because the attempt elicits direct income transfers or because it results in care that enables the attempter to improve his or her own life, productivity, and earnings.
Out of 100 suicide attempters, 35 were males and 65 were females.
Pregnant suicide attempters may have been admitted to other hospitals, may have been seen by general practitioners or may not have sought or been taken for medical treatment.
When such studies are performed, resultant comparisons are between extremely small and large groups of individuals (suicide completers versus non--suicide completers, or suicide attempters versus non--suicide attempters).
To explore race and gender differences across subtypes of suicide attempters. Methods Data were combined from five nationally representative cohorts of the US Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).
An exploratory study of the relationship between diverse life events and personality disorders in a sample of suicide attempters. Journal of Personality Disorders, 24(6), 773-784.