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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



one of the stages in the commission of a crime. According to Soviet criminal law, an attempt is a deliberate action immediately directed at the commission of a crime, which is not brought to completion for reasons independent of the will of the guilty person. A distinction is made between complete and incomplete attempts, depending on whether the guilty person did everything he considered necessary to carry out his intention. A further distinction is made between attempts in circumstances that make accomplishment of the criminal objective impossible (faulty attempts; negodnye pokusheniia) and attempts where it is possible (godnye pokusheniia). Punishment for an attempt is set according to the statute that provides for liability for the corresponding crime, with regard for the nature and degree of social danger of the actions, the degree of accomplishment of the criminal intention, and the factors that prevented the crime from being brought to completion.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Your objections to such an attempt, my dear Doctor, were, you may remember, two-fold.
It follows, therefore, that of the materials which an author has to use in a romance, or fictitious composition, such as I have ventured to attempt, he will find that a great proportion, both of language and manners, is as proper to the present time as to those in which he has laid his time of action.
If, therefore, my dear friend, you have generosity enough to pardon the presumptuous attempt, to frame for myself a minstrel coronet, partly out of the pearls of pure antiquity, and partly from the Bristol stones and paste, with which I have endeavoured to imitate them, I am convinced your opinion of the difficulty of the task will reconcile you to the imperfect manner of its execution.
Adieu, my dear friend; I have said enough to explain, if not to vindicate, the attempt which I have made, and which, in spite of your doubts, and my own incapacity, I am still willing to believe has not been altogether made in vain.
It was the second session in which both Charsadda Baryalay and Hayatabad Toryalay raided on each other territories and made some fine moves as a result Charsadda Baryalay scored one more goal through Irshad Ali but soon Yasir tied the tally for Hayatabad Toryalay on the field attempt. Thus both were locked in the stipulated 70 minute and to get result of the match they were awarded five each penalty kicks on which Charsadda converted three attempts out of five while Hayatabad Toryalay scored only on two occasions.
Health care use also showed associations with suicide attempts. Individuals who had visited outpatient services eight or more times in the past 2 months had more than threefold higher odds of suicide attempt.
Gururaja had a best attempt of 111kg in the snatch and 138kg in the clean and jerk for a total of 249kg.
She said that these are actually murder attempts against women and girls, covered up and made to appear as 'suicide'.
Attempting to set a Guinness World Record, one Dubai school had four failed attempts while trying to make the world's largest picture mosaic formed by people, due to the heavy winds in the emirate on Sunday.
REFERENCE my letter of Nov 28 about a very cruel law on attempted suicide.
Iranian weightlifter cleared 185kg in the Snatch and a record 228kg in the clean and Jerk by winning gold medal, followed by Sobirov Farkhodbek of Uzbakistan with 181kg in Snatch and 210kg weight in the Clean and Jerk while Liu Hao of China, who also received a hamstring injury during the third attempt of the Clean and Jerk, cleared a weight of 176kg in the Snatch and 211kg in the Clean and Jerk.