attenuation factor

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Related to attenuation factor: attenuating

attenuation factor

[ə‚ten·yə′wā·shən ‚fak·tər]
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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should be rejected and thus why the final attenuation factor should
Equation (6) is the same as the equation for the general method of AVOA [5], except for the replacement of the amplitude function T in it by attenuation factor [alpha].
To determine thickness by using the linear attenuation factor obtained, we used equation (14).
where R is the distance between the radar and the detection target, [K.sub.r] is the attenuation factor, and [k.sub.t] is the attenuation coefficient in dB/km.
The attenuation factor and the phase factor are related to the dielectric properties of medium as follows [14]:
The attenuation factor ([lambda]) for a classical error, single-pollutant framework is calculated as
The spectral ratio method (SRM) is the most common approach used to calculate the interval attenuation factor. Initially, it was widely used to estimate attenuation in acoustic VSP data, and recently in shear VSP data (Chuandong & Stewart, 2006).
Note that amn is sometimes also referred to as the modal attenuation factor (MAF) [17,24].
(1) justify using an attenuation factor of 15 dB between indoor and outdoor noise levels based on Basner et al.