attenuation ratio

attenuation ratio

[ə‚ten·yə′wā·shən ‚rā·shō]
The magnitude of the propagation ratio.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Compared with the elastic modulus of oil shale at 20 [degrees]C, the attenuation ratio of elastic modulus at 500 [degrees]C was the highest, approximately 68.04%.
Caption: Figure 9: Contour map of the attenuation ratio of spring (group) quantity.
However, fatty liver change leads to a reversal of the liver-to-spleen attenuation ratio [17, 18].
where [K.sub.C] are the attenuation ratio of tensile strength of GFRP bare bars and GFRP bars embedded in concrete and T is curing temperature.
The inverter's active filtering during the load on mains with THDI less than 3%, power factor greater than 0.99% and harmonic attenuation ratio is 96%.
The PXIe-9848H's signal-conditioning module features eight simultaneous analog inputs and a 15:1 or 50:1 attenuation ratio. Dynamic performance is 63.5 dB SFDR and 55.5 dB SINAD.
By combining the DDR with [DR.sub.max], the total attenuation ratio (TAR) of the melt-spun iPP fibers was defined.
If the probe contains both sections of the attenuator, then the input impedance can be set independent of the attenuation ratio.