attenuation length

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attenuation length

[ə‚ten·yə′wā·shən ‚leŋkth]
The reciprocal of the attenuation coefficient.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The standard experimental method is to vary the attenuation length, keeping the aperture plane at the fixed source-to-FAC distance, and thus to derive the effective attenuation coefficient for the air kerma.
However, in order to use a liquid scintillator based on water for a neutrino detector, it should provide a sufficient LY and also have a long attenuation length and chemical stability over several years of experiments.
The basic difference in the coupling mechanism between a conventional coupled-line backward coupler and a CRLH coupled-line backward coupler is that, in the former case, coupling is related to electrical length [beta]d, whereas in the latter case, it is related to the attenuation length [alpha]d.
The pathlength of air, or any other matter, required to attenuate the radiation flux by the factor of exp(-1) is called the attenuation length E.
The Sci-Fi have been characterized to measure the attenuation length of the light over the distance travelled from the production point to the end of the fiber that is optically coupled to a photosensor.
where the attenuation length [l.sub.a] = 1/Re([GAMMA]) is the characteristic distance that the wave travels in the tube before it damps out (see Sec.
First tests on determining the attenuation length of a radio signal at 400 and 800 MHz on samples from the "Unirea" salt dome in Slanic Prahova, Romania, showed a large deviation from the ideal medium case [21].
The measured thicknesses depend on knowledge of the effective attenuation length (EAL) of the detected photoelectrons in SiO2 for the particular film thickness and measurement configuration.
This implies a thickness of 34 nm of Ge at the 3 [micro]m ring, and 140 nm at the edge of the entire sample, based on Beer's law and an exponential attenuation length of 265 nm [15] which is appropriate for Ge at its bulk density.