attention span

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Related to attention span: attention deficit disorder

attention span

[ə′ten·shən ‚span]
The period of time a person is able to concentrate his attentions on a given item, usually with respect to learning.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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With the combination of short attention spans, digital anxiety and the decline of financial literacy over the past several decades, it's not hard to predict the corrosive effect this combination has on process-oriented decision-making.
The study looked at our collective attention span, not at an individual level.
However, rather than seeking to expand the attention span as done in Mr.
Nideffer, assumes the existence of prior experiences that can be willfully considered through the use of "mental presets contain[ing] aural, visual, and kinesthetic models of good musical behaviour that have been developed over years of study." (4) While this recognizes a child's previous experience as the basis for attentive behavior, it also suggests years of training are necessary for good attention span. These historical definitions seem derived from observations of adult attention span processes, as they assume the existence of presets and the control needed to access them.
Students completed computer evaluations and questions designed to test attention span.
A one-year-old basically has the attention span of a fruit fly.
It's the sort of humor a lot of people can see themselves in, and when he cracks a line such as, "My attention span is fading, like the Red Sox in September," it's hard not to laugh.
It's no surprise that he found none of the Twitter generation in Copenhagen who could debate the science - any argument longer than 140 characters they haven't even the attention span to listen to.
Reform advocates worry that these efforts will lose momentum because Congress tends to have a short attention span.
Symptoms associated with fad diets - such as cravings, exhaustion and short attention span, were found to be similar to those experienced by people going through stress.
Right, here we go: The average attention span of Britons has slumped in recent years because of the pressures of modern life, causing a "surge" in domestic accidents.
A survey of 1,000 adults by Lloyds TSB showed that the average attention span had fallen from more than 12 minutes a decade ago to five minutes and seven seconds now.

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