attention span

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Related to attention span: attention deficit disorder
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the length of time you can concentrate on some idea or activity

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References in periodicals archive ?
The Inquirer's op-ed columns are now tagged as a '2-minute read' - still well above our alleged average attention span.
Such a patient mantra can seem archaic in a time of ever-declining attention spans.
Recently though, the scientific journal Nature Communications published the results of a study that showed that the attention span of the general public has reduced over the past decade.
The team of academics is currently measuring such children's attention span to be able to prove that it increases when simplified objects, robots or software are introduced to them.
Unfortunately, a shorter attention span also affects our relationships.
And According to research by Microsoft, the average attention span of a human is now just eight seconds - that's a second shorter than that of your pal swimming around on the top of the TV.
Stacey Stothard of Skipton Building Society, who carried out the research, said: "Due to our short attention spans, we are simply not taking enough time to think about the things that matter, including our finances and the future."
Detroit, MI, July 27, 2017 --( It's no secret attention spans have plunged since the advent of the Internet and social media.
Baroness Greenfield said she is concerned screen technology encourages "short attention spans, visual imagery rather than ideas, more sensation as a premium, taking risks because there's no consequences, low empathy because we've got no experience of talking directly to other people, and a need for constant feedback, witness Facebook, a fragile sense of identity and low-grade aggression".
At the average follow-up of about four years, subjects were tested on cognitive functions such as memory and attention span. Both groups assigned to the Mediterranean diets had improved overall cognition, while the the low-fat diet group had a decrease in cognition.
India, May 18 -- A recent Microsoft study has found that the human attention span has come down drastically since the start of the century.
Typically, a three-year-old has an attention span of around three minutes, whereas a six-year-old has an attention span of up to 15 minutes.
This is allegedly the attention span of the average young person now.
According to the latest statistics, we have an attention span of eight seconds--a full second less than the average goldfish.
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