attention deficit disorder

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Synonyms for attention deficit disorder

a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders

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THE signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder are usually not apparent in infants.
One of the first books that recognizes and provides advice on how to cope with the social difficulties encountered on an everyday basis by those with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders.
American Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder website
"It's becoming increasingly clear that this is a powerful treatment that can be life-saving for some children," insists Peter Jensen, a board member of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD), which advocates the use of Ritalin and similar drugs.
This annotated bibliography identifies 17 readings, 3 videotapes, and 8 children's books concerned with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
The second episode has Bart being diagnosed as suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder and placed on medication.
In addition, nine participants received a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder (ADD), some with hyperactivity.
Due to close quarters and intense social interaction at camp, children with Attention Deficit Disorder, with or without hyperactivity, may be at a greater risk of having unsuccessful camp experiences.
When will Jonathan Ross receive help for the most acute attention deficit disorder ever known.
They feel he has attention deficit disorder, but they do not feel he is "hyperactive." They told me he might do better if he were put on Ritalin and recommended that I have him evaluated for an attention deficit condition.
Calum Cooper was turned into a wild child by a condition called attention deficit disorder.
Defining and measuring hyperactivity, or "attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity," as it is now called, has always proved troublesome.
The second issue presents five articles on the following topics: (1) working in co-operative nurseries; (2) dealing with children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); (3) teaching children to listen the first time; (4) learning from counseling by a firefighter; and (5) learning about the effects of verbal abuse on children.
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