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References in classic literature ?
As they ascended still higher, there were cool breezes that refreshed and braced them, and springing with new ardor to their task, they at length attained the summit.
For a time, the Indian fable seemed realized: he had attained that height from which the Blackfoot warrior, after death, first catches a view of the land of souls, and beholds the happy hunting grounds spread out below him, brightening with the abodes of the free and generous spirits.
The estimation in which these gentlemen were held, according to one of the most scientific exponents of the Gun Club, was "proportional to the masses of their guns, and in the direct ratio of the square of the distances attained by their projectiles."
Their military weapons attained colossal proportions, and their projectiles, exceeding the prescribed limits, unfortunately occasionally cut in two some unoffending pedestrians.
'If there is knowledge, there must be teachers; and where are the teachers?' There is no knowledge in the higher sense of systematic, connected, reasoned knowledge, such as may one day be attained, and such as Plato himself seems to see in some far off vision of a single science.
The doctrines of Plato are necessarily different at different times of his life, as new distinctions are realized, or new stages of thought attained by him.
These are six ways of courting defeat, which must be carefully noted by the general who has attained a responsible post.
Harsh Ainapure attained two A* in A-level Economics and Mathematics and two A grades in History and Physics.
He said the national cricket team had attained historic victory through its commitment and resolve.
As the water inflow in the four live rivers has been increasing during past four days, the river Kabul has attained the stage of medium flood at Nowshera and the mighty Indus is nearing the low flood level at Jinnah and Chashma barrages, source said to research analyst-PAGE.
Harmony is attained when we realize we're all part of the Supreme Person.
Abdul Rahman Askar stressed that the high evaluation the Bahraini Sports attained through such awards was considered the outcomes of the sustainable care allocated by the wise leadership for the sports movement in Kingdom of Bahrain at all levels.
He said China had attained tremendous progress and it could be a shining example for Pakistan to do the same.
Summary: Riyadh, June 08, 2010, SPA -- Director General of the Executive Bureau of the Council of the GCC Health Ministers Dr Tawfiq Khoja has highlighted the achievements attained in the Kingdom in the last five years under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz....
six members of the Colne Valley Black Belt Academy at Linthwaite have recently attained 3rd Dan standard.