attack dog

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a watchdog trained to attack on command

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References in periodicals archive ?
* Ted Cruz, as Romney attack dog, says Obama prefers to keep welfare recipients jobless (The Dallas Morning News): "Tea party darling Ted Cruz, serving as attack dog for Mitt Romney a week after scoring the nomination for U.S.
attack dog With attacks up 43 per cent, critics are angry the Government has failed to act more than a year after talks began on updating the Dangerous Dogs Act.
Siddle continued his remarkable transformation from workhorse to attack dog with the wickets of Dravid, Virat Kohli and V.V.S.
The cross bull terrier was described as black, grey, and white and the other attack dog was all white.
"She became popular during the campaign because she was the attack dog of the Liberal Party.
"Are you a man or a mouse?" barked BBC News attack dog Jeremy Paxman.
Some cell types, such as dendritic cells, release go signals while they show the "attack dog" cells characteristic pieces of the cancer cells--much like letting a bloodhound sniff a fugitive's socks.
Health Secretary John Reid had an astonishing on-screen bust-up with Jeremy Paxman after the Newsnight presenter branded him a Labour 'attack dog'.
Also from Miike, FanTasia screened Gozu, a film that begins with a crazed gangster who hallucinates that a tiny Chihuahua is "a trained Yakuza attack dog" and smashes the hapless creature against a restaurant window.
Brock is still more attack dog than thinker, so his book provides only a smattering of understanding--but plenty of opportunities to slake partisan bloodlust.
As a way of rationalizing this, Lieberman confides that he was all set to play attack dog, but "the pollsters and the consultants counseled otherwise.
As President Duterte's first and favorite appointee to the highest court of the land, Martires demonstrated that he could be the attack dog any time his master would call upon him to do so.
Recorder Paul Hopkins QC noted Otto had previously been used as an "attack dog".
Tories have been alarmed by Labour leader Ed Miliband's decision to appoint Mr Balls as his number two after Alan Johnson quit over marriage difficulties, reckoning him the party's most fearsome attack dog. Mr Balls said of the Tory-led Government: "With no plan for jobs and growth, they have instead staked the whole future of the economy on one card - the fastest, deepest deficit reduction plan in Britain's peacetime history." Mr Balls added on his blog: "Labour's alternative plan would put jobs and growth first.
I dare say Mr Betteridge shall come under attack for his letter from the usual army of followers John Lines has around him, this usually includes how the Housing Department has improved under his stewardship but quite honestly this wasn't hard to achieve, as under Labour the department was constantly politically interfered with which John Lines, the attack dog of the Tory leadership, stopped upon assuming office allowing the splendid officers of the council Housing Department the chance to do their job, which they have with great skill and success.