attendance check

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Words related to attendance check

a call of students' names in a classroom

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References in periodicals archive ?
That affirming moment was reason enough for me to get up early in the morning, be on time for the attendance check, and exclaim "present" when my name is called.
Keep in mind that some webcast providers only ask one attendance check every two hours.
After sacking more than a dozen officers last week for sleeping or boozing while on duty, the chief of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) said he will go after so-called '15-30' policemen, or those who go moonlighting during their shift and appear at their posts only during attendance checks or on paydays.
Interviews and fitness tests will be carried out in April and May, before pre-employment checks including medical checks, vetting, references, attendance checks and business interests enquiries from May onwards.
On the complaints of teachers, the Punjab government has decided to get the attendance checked from any other department.
The National News Agency reported that the inmates refused to carry out daily attendance checks or enter their cells until those arrested for involvement in the Abra incidents, most of them supporters of fugitive Sheikh Ahmad Assir, were transferred to another section.
During unannounced attendance checks in 2002, ICS Africa personnel administered questionnaires to students in grades 5-7, collecting information on school attendance, study effort, habits, and attitudes toward school.