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a person paid to perform personal services for those unable to care for themselves.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The whole appearance of this warrior and his retinue was wild and outlandish; the dress of his squires was gorgeous, and his Eastern attendants wore silver collars round their throats, and bracelets of the same metal upon their swarthy arms and legs, of which the former were naked from the elbow, and the latter from mid-leg to ankle.
The steeds of these attendants were in appearance as foreign as their riders.
"Come," said De Guiche, "forward, gentlemen!" and breaking through the horses and attendants, he cleared the way for himself towards the center of the square, through the crowd, followed by the whole cavalcade.
"The attendants also?" inquired a page who had approached the group.
In this he had to help him not only the fowlers by profession, but also his attendants, who excelled in this art.
First you must call together your attendants, and order them to remain in a little hamlet close by until you want them.
The attendant was struck by his manner, and knowing my interest in him, encouraged him to talk.
The attendant, who was shaking like a leaf, obeyed.
"What's the matter with your King?" asked Dorothy, surprised to hear the rabbit attendant speak so disrespectfully of his monarch.
Philip and he walked along the corridor again, and an attendant told them where it was.
The masters are going away and the whole house will be empty," said the old woman to the old attendant.
'Have something to eat, Father,' said the attendant.